Work Table
Shows the complete Work Table. The position to be checked is marked in blue.
Side View
Shows a side view of the labware and adapter to be positioned with designation and article number.
Top View
Show the labware to be positioned from above so that the liquids contained in the labware are visible with
their volume.
Here too, volume specifications and the filling of the tip racks can be edited again.
a. After each executed step, click on Next.
b. Click on Start once all the positions have been correctly equipped.
7.6.3 Sequence display and control
The sequence display shows both the progress of the currently executed command and the sequence steps
to follow along with their execution times and user interventions:
User interventions disappear from the display once they are executed. Sequence display zoom
If not all the commands and user interventions cannot be displayed in their entirety in the sequence display
(e.g. due to a large number of commands or multiple user interventions in a short time span), you have the
option of enlarging the display so that you can view all the information.
To do this, use the scroll wheel of the mouse:
Scroll wheel up = zoom in
Scroll wheel down = zoom out Tool tip display
If the cursor is held over a certain area of the sequence display (i.e. over a command or user intervention), a
tool tip will open specifying when the command/intervention will take place and its duration.
Operating manual English
Liquid Handling Station