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SICK S3000 Expert Bedienungsanleitung Seite 79



Telegram Listing CMS
S3000/S300 Expert
Subject to change without notice
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x0019 = 25 (=> 0.25°)
(corresponds to –4.75° in S3000 coordinates system)
32 00 E8 23 Reflector 3: 0x23E80032
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0000 0000 0011 0010
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x0032 = 50 (=> 0.5°)
(corresponds to –4.5° in S3000 coordinates system)
7D 00 E8 23 Reflector 4: 0x23E8007D
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0000 0000 0111 1101
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x007D = 125 (=> 1.25°)
(corresponds to –3.75° in S3000 coordinates system)
96 00 E8 23 Reflector 5: 0x23E80096
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0000 0000 1001 0110
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x0096 = 150 (=> 1.5°)
(corresponds to –3.5° in S3000 coordinates system)
C8 00 E8 23 Reflector 5: 0x23E800C8
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0000 0000 1100 1000
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x00C8 = 200 (=> 2.0°)
(corresponds to –3° in S3000 coordinates system)
E1 00 E8 23 Reflector 5: 0x23E800E1
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0000 0000 1110 0001
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0:no interruption of field A and B (if activated as protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
Bits 28 ... 16: distance in cm: 0x03E8 = 1000 [cm]
Bits 15 ... 0: angle in 0.01°: 0x00E1 = 225 (=> 2.25°)
(corresponds to –2.75° in S3000 coordinates system)
38 4A E8 23 Reflector 5: 0x23E84A38
in bit notation: 0010 0011 1110 1000 0100 1010 0011 1000
Bit 31: 0: no interruption of field C and D (if activated as protective field)
Bit 30: 0: no interruption of field A and B (if activatedas protective field)
Bit 29: 1: reflector detected
© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved




Diese Anleitung auch für:

S300 expert
