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Electrical Interface; Transfer And Data Formats - SICK S3000 Expert Bedienungsanleitung



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Electrical interface

The electrical interface is implemented in accordance with the EIA RS-422-A standard.
The options for electrical connection are detailed in the operating instructions for the
S3000/S300 in the "Electrical Installation" chapter.
Connection via the RS-422 interface may be maintained in operation. However, the
RS-232 interface (configuration interface) is designed solely for temporary connection
during the configuration process.

Transfer and data formats

A data byte is composed of 1 start bit, 8 data bits, 1 stop bit and no parity bit.
The baud rate on the RS-422 interface can be configured to the following baud rates with
the help of CDS:
9600 Baud
19200 Baud
38400 Baud
115.2 kBaud (S300 only)
125 kBaud
230.4 kBaud (S300 only)
250 kBaud
460.8 kBaud (S300 only)
500 kBaud
The interface is preconfigured ex factory to a default baud rate of 38400 baud.
S3000 Expert is able to transfer all measured data in (near) real-time (with a delay of
approx one mirror rotation, i.e. 30 ms or 60 ms, depending on mode), if the interface is set
to 500 kBaud. Lower baud rates or higher network loads will mean that the system cannot
evaluate every scan, so that data from individual or multiple measurements will be
dropped and only data from every second or third, etc. measurement will be output. In
addition, the additional output of I/O data can lead to a reduction in output
S300 Expert can transfer all measured data in real-time, if the interface is set to 500
kBaud and no filter is set. As soon as measuring ranges are set or reflector data is
transferred, only the data from every second measurement can be transferred. Lower
baud rates or higher network loads will mean that the system cannot evaluate every scan,
so that data from individual or multiple measurements will be dropped and only data from
every second or third, etc. measurement will be output. In addition, the additional output
of I/O data can lead to a reduction in output measurements.
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S3000/S300 Expert
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S300 expert
