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Send Mode Continuous Data Output; Structure Of Continuous Data Output; Telegram Header, Administration Data, General Data - SICK S3000 Standard Bedienungsanleitung

Safety laser scanner



Send mode Continuous data output

© SICK AG • Industrial Safety Systems • Germany • All rights reserved
In order to create efficient telegram traffic, the S3000 and S300 can be configured in the
CDS so that the measured values and certain additional information is permanently sent
to the RS-422 interface. Continuous data output is not influenced by the telegram traffic
via the other available interfaces. It is not necessary for continuous data output that the
token is reserved for the RS-422 interface (in send mode Data output on request, only one
interface at a time can own the token, see section 4.2 "System token" on page 38).
The measured data is output automatically in continuous data output mode, so that the
telegrams only need to be read.
In send mode Continuous data output it is not possible to directly send a request telegram
from the host computer. The host computer must first interrupt continuous data output
(see section 6.5 "Stopping data output" on page 50).
Example: telegram structure for continuous data output
00 00 00 00 00 00 03 04 FF 07 03 01 00 00 17 01 00 00 00 00
BB BB 11 11 E8 03 E8 03 E8 03 ... B0 04 FB B7
00 00 00 00 00 00 03 04 FF 07 03 01 ... B0 04 FB B7
Administration data
RK512 telegram header
In send mode Continuous data output the RS 422 interface can only output data from
directly connected (local) scanners. The output of data from a second scanner, connected
to a local scanner via EFI, is not possible.

Structure of continuous data output


Telegram header, administration data, general data

Data output always begins as follows:
00 00 00 00 4 Byte RK512 telegram header: Reply telegram
00 00
Data block number 0x0000 for continuous data output
xx xx
Size of telegram in 16-bit data words
The telegram size is calculated based on the data after the
telegram header (starting with the first byte of the administration
data, 5. byte of the telegram) up to and including the last byte of
the telegram (incl. CRC). The length field thus shows the value:
(total telegram length in bytes – 4)/2
If I/O data and measuring ranges are not configured
Configurable contour and measurement block data
For content, see section 6.1, page 46
Telegram Listing Standard
Subject to change without notice

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