6.4 Measuring system - Passivation and user acknowledgment
6.4.1 After start-up of the F-System
After a start-up of the F-System, the communication between F-CPU and measuring
system via the PROFIsafe protocol must first be established. A passivation of the
measuring system occurs during this time.
During use of the substitute values (0) the tags QBAD and PASS_OUT = 1.
The user acknowledgment of the measuring system, i.e. the output of cyclical data at
the fail-safe outputs, automatically occurs, from the viewpoint of the F-Host,
independently of the setting at the ACK_NEC tag, at the earliest from the 2nd cycle of
the F-Runtime Group after start-up of the F-System. Depending on the cycle time of
the F-Runtime Group and PROFINET, the user acknowledgment can only occur after
a few cycles of the F-Runtime Group.
If the establishment of communication between F-CPU and measuring system takes
longer than the monitoring time set for the F-IO in TIA Portal V14, no automatic
user acknowledgment occurs.
In this case an user acknowledgment is necessary with a positive edge at the
ACK_REI tag of the F-IO data block, which is linked to the memory bit M0.0, symbol
name "Tag_1", in the example project.
6.4.2 After communication errors
If the F-System detects an error in the safety-oriented communication between the F-
CPU and measuring system via the PROFIsafe protocol, a passivation of the
measuring system occurs.
During use of the substitute values (0) the tags QBAD and PASS_OUT = 1.
The user acknowledgment of the measuring system, i.e. the output of cyclical data at
the fail-safe outputs, only occurs if:
● no further communication errors are present, and the F-System has set the tag
● an user acknowledgment has occurred with a positive edge at the ACK_REI tag of
the F-IO data block, which is linked to the memory bit M0.0, symbol name
"Tag_1", in the example project
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