5.2.2 Functional description
The manufacturer error block is executed with the rising edge of the REQ input.
The VALID, ERROR, ERRVAL, STATUS and TR_Manuf_Error outputs are
reset to 0. The BUSY output is set to 1.
The asynchronous read access to the measuring system is then executed. The
data of index 0xE00C are read.
The time for resetting the REQ input to 0 has no influence on the asynchronous
read access.
As soon as the read access is ended, the BUSY output is reset to 0 again.
Depending on whether the read access was successful and no other errors have
been detected, the VALID output is set to 1 or, in the case of error, the ERROR
output is set to 1.
If the read access was successful and a manufacturer-specific error has been
read, this is output at the TR_Manuf_Error output. Otherwise the
TR_Manuf_Error output has the value 0. Reading of a manufacturer-specific
error is also indicated via the STATUS output.
If the read access was unsuccessful, the error can be determined via the STATUS
output. In the case of a read error due to the RDREC block, the error value of the
block is also indicated at the ERRVAL output.
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany
TR-ECE-TI-DGB-0292 v02
TR-Electronic GmbH 2016, All Rights Reserved
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