Safety Program Creation - Configuration Example
As the FBD programming language is used in the example project, the
Main_Safety_RTG1 (FB1) block must first be changed to FBD. To do this, go
to the Project tree and in the directory tree select the entry CD_75_-
EPN_PROFIsafe -> PLC_1 [CPU 1511F-1 PN] -> Program blocks ->
Main_Safety_RTG1 [FB1] with the right mouse button. This opens a shortcut
menu. In the menu select the entry Switch programming language -> FBD
with the left mouse button.
If you select the block Main_Safety_RTG1 (FB1) in the Project tree by
double-clicking with the left mouse button, the block opens in the Program Editor
in the work area. Instructions that can be used for the programming are listed on
the right-hand side.
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TR-ECE-TI-DGB-0292 v02
Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany