A one-digit number in a CV has to be read with a preceding "0" if you
want to use it to determine the article number or the ID of the vehicle,
for instance as "05" if a "5" is contained in it.
Digital address:
Unequivocal address (numberplate) of the vehicle.
Minimum speed:
Indicates the lowest driving step. Depending on the type of vehicle, its
mechanism or frictions might make it impossible for a vehicle to start in dri-
ving step 1.
Time lag on starting/Time lag on braking:
Characteristic curves have been stored in the decoder for the acceleration and
slowing-down processes. The present value allows to have a bearing on the
period of time during which acceleration or slowing-down will take place.
Max. speed (adjustable via the digital control unit):
That value specifies how high the speed signal transmitted to the motor
should be whenever the decoder emits driving step 28.
Normal speed:
This is the speed up to which the vehicle accelerates after being switched
on or after a stop.
Slow speed:
This is the speed down to which the vehicle slows down whenever the mag-
netic field sensor detects a south magnetic field.
Waiting times:
They indicate, in 0.5 second steps, how long the decoder will wait before
emitting the corresponding instruction.
That instruction sets back the decoder to its default factory settings.
Programming vehicle functions