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RTW SurroundControl 31960 Serie Bedienungsanleitung Seite 336


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By default, the 7 Sub Presets are named Key 1 to Key 7.
However, they can be renamed using an onscreen key-
board by selecting or right-clicking the Name description
field. Up to 6 characters are available.
The parameters in this combo box are used to define the
overall internal channel configuration of the unit.
nOte - For each Sub Preset (Key 1, ..., Key 7), an
individual channel mode can be set. In this way, channel
modes can be switched very easy by selecting a new Sub
Preset on the toolbar.
By switching channel modes, the channels to be pro-
cessed in the monitor controller section are defined as
well. For example, after selecting 7.1, the internal channels
L, LC, C, RC, R, LS, RS and LFE are selected.
The available options and channel configurations are:
2 Channel Stereo: L, R
Multi Channel :
Use the appropriate stereo or surround mode to reflect
the channel configuration of the input signal to be moni-
tored. The Multi channel mode is useful for sources with
unrelated channels or channel groups which should be
monitored separately, e. g. Aux sends or SDI groups.
nOte - Even after switching to a new channel
mode on one of the seven Key menu pages, the settings
for the old mode on this individual key page are „remem-
bered" by the device. Therefore, as soon as the old mode
is selected again, all parameters will switch back to the
settings defined for that mode earlier.
nOte - Depending on this mode setting, the
menu page will change its options. Please refer to the
screenshots earlier in this chapter to see how the page
looks like in each mode.
9 | Menu | 9.4 | Input/Output Routing: The Global Routing Settings
L , C, R, S
L , R, C, LFE, LS, RS
L , R, C, LS, RS, CS, LFE
L , R, LC, C, RC, LS, RS, LFE
independent channels or channel
Program Meter
(ONLY available when 5.1 or 2 channel stereo is selec-
ted in the Mode combo box, see above)
By default, the bargraphs in Window 2 show the Peak
Program Meters (PPM). However, there are also options
to show a combination of PPM and loudness bargraphs
(the loudness section of this display mode conforming to
various standards and recommendations selected here). In
such loudness modes, various layout options for the PPM
and loudness bargraphs are available.
The available options of the Program Meter are:
ITU BS.1771
EBU R128
nOte - After one of the loudness modes ITU
BS.1771, EBU R128, ATSC A/85, or ARIB was selec-
ted, most of the loudness parameters will be fixed to the
values proposed in the corresponding standard. However,
after the Custom mode was selected, all loudness para-
meters are available for individual editing.
nOte - The Program Meter option is only availa-
ble if one of the following channel modes was selected in
the Mode combo box (see above):
2 Channel Stereo: L, R
L , R, C, LFE, LS, RS
Furtheron, selecting an option other than PPM in the
Program Meter combo box will automatically switch the
source selection in the Monitoring routing section of
this menu page to one of the digital sources digital 3 or
digital 4 (see corresponding chapter below).
nOte - Selecting one of the loudness options in
the Program Meter combo box switches the Peakmeter
settings button in the Monitoring routing section of
this menu page to PPM + loudness settings. See Mo-
nitoring routing chapter below for details.
SurroundControl 31900/31960 Series

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