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Using The Control Elements - RTW SurroundControl 31960 Serie Bedienungsanleitung


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Besides controlling the metering functions, the Remote Con-
trol 30050 for the 31900 series and the control panel of the
31960 series are fully featured monitoring controller units with
loudspeaker channel keys, several channel functions such as
Solo, Cut, Swap and Phase reverse, numerical readout of the
volume level set, input and output selection, and DIM or MUTE
function. Up to three Remote Control 30050 units can be con-
nected to the 31900 series (31960 series: up to two units).

7.2 | using the control elements

The hardware controls are described using the Remote Control 30050 as an example. The same functions are also available
using the corresponding controls on the 31960 front panel.
1 | Sound pressure level display
(sPl absolute)
6 | 2c key:
• 2-Ch Downmix-to-Front
in 5.1/6.1 mode,
• lc channel in 7.1 mode
4 | Function selector for
the channel keys (select)
9 | LF (LFE) channel
8 | cs channel key:
• Key for saving a monitoring
volume in 5.1/7.1 mode,
• cs channel in 6.1 mode
Key labels can be switched
for different applications
SurroundControl 31900/31960 Series
12 | input key
13 | diM or Mute func tion,
(input switcher):
Select inputs via the
function keys
SurroundControl units also can be controlled externally by
using the GP IO interface. Depending on the control signals,
the metering and monitoring functions can be controlled or
defined actions can be initialized. On top of that, the Surround-
Control units can output control signals for activating alarm
indicators or for controlling external units.
can have switching or
momentary function
sPl relativ display mode
2 | Function keys for controllilng
instrument functions
3 | Control and Select keys (with
cursor function in menu mode)
7 | eX key:
• 2-Ch Extern-to-Front
in 5.1/6.1 mode,
• rc channel in 7.1 mode
5 | Loudspeaker keys
11 | Volume control
with preset function
10 | Mono key
14 | Output key
(output switcher):
• swap
• downmix-solo
• listening group
(in Multi Channel mode)
7 | Control | 7.2 | Using the Control Elements

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