(fluoroelastomer, brand new, dry, clean) with an internal
diameter of 3 mm and telescopic probes (max. length of
2000 mm) with a sampling hose (fluoroelastomer, brand
new, dry, clean) with an internal diameter of 5 mm. Other
fixtures (e.g. pre-tube) extend the minimum wait time and
must also be taken into consideration. The flushing time
only applies to the configured measurement gas.
The flushing times recommended by the gas detector are
ascertained according to the state of technology. Dräger is not
liable for their use. The user is responsible for evaluating the
wait time for their application. After the wait time expires,
evaluation is required to determine if the measured value is
stable or if the wait time was possibly insufficient. The same
applies if the countdown was stopped unexpectedly.
X-am 8000: As an option, the Dräger CC-Vision PC software
can be used to define a fixed flushing time (adjustment range:
30 to 900 s) which is then used by the gas detector in the
wizards. The user is responsible for determining this time and
using the feature. This feature can be used, for example,
when a PID sensor with custom response factors is used to
use this wizard.
The measurement of other gasses or vapours than the
selected measurement gas per measuring channel
causes additional wait time which must also be considered
in addition to the minimum wait time.
The confined space entry measurement is displayed when
after the flushing time is complete.
To end the confined space entry measurement:
1. Select
during the confined space entry measurement
and confirm the dialog.
A dialog for performing another confined space entry
measurement is displayed.
2. Select
to end the wizard.
3. Remove the pump adapter.
4. Return to normal measuring mode.
4.14 Carrying out sensor selection with
the wizard
Gas channels can be temporarily hidden with the sensor
selection. This is useful if certain gases are deliberately not to
be measured. The alarms of the hidden gas channels are not
output and no measurement data is written to the data logger.
Channel errors and warnings, as well as possible alarms of
hidden sensors are not displayed. The evaluation of the
CatEx blocking alarm remains active in the background and
appears when the channel is displayed again and the blocking
alarm occurred while hidden.
– The gas detector is switched on.
– The user is signed in with the corresponding user level.
To select the sensor:
1. Sign in with the required user level, if necessary.
2. Select
> Select sensors in measuring mode (if
configured using the Dräger CC-Vision PC software).
3. Deselect sensors which are to be hidden.
4. Select Next to start the measurement with the wizard and
the required gas channels.
All gas channels are automatically shown again once you
leave the wizard.
If an offset channel is hidden, the offsetting is interrupted.
4.15 Carrying out leak searches with the
During a leak search, the duration of the measurement (in
mm:ss) is displayed for a maximum of one hour in place of the
time and the measured values can be displayed in the form of
a bar chart (configurable with the CC-Vision PC software).
Afterwards, the time is displayed again. The measurement
duration is restarted after each flow alarm.
During a leak search, the Clear app. peak feature should
be stored in the quick menu using the Dräger CC-Vision PC
software. This feature can be used to delete the application
values in the bar chart.
Because of the physical flushing times, Dräger
recommends carrying out measurements with the leak search
wizard without a hose/probe or with only a short hose (max.
2 m).
– The gas detector is equipped with a pump and is switched
– All installed sensors are warmed up.
– The gas detector is ready to take measurements.
To carry out a leak search:
1. Sign in with the required user level.
2. Select
> Leak search in measuring mode.
3. Confirm the successful leak test to start the measurement.
The device emits tones in the "Individual measuring
channel" display which increase in frequency as the gas
concentration increases. If the pre-alarm threshold is reached,
the gas alarm appears.
To end the leak search:
1. Select
in leak search mode and confirm the dialog.
2. Remove the pump adapter.
3. Return to normal measuring mode.
4.16 Carrying out a benzene/pre-tube
measurement with the wizard
Observe the instructions for use of the respective tube!
The use of a pre-tube is only possible when using the wizard.
During the benzene/pre-tube measurement, the visual alarm,
acoustic alarm, vibration alarm and alarm evaluation are
Instructions for use