Safety Program Creation - Configuration Example
In the opened window select the organization blocks on the left-hand side first of
all. The language is set to FBD in the example project. The Add new and open
checkbox below Additioal information should be deselected. The first
organization block OB82 can then be created. To do this, select the OB
Diagnostic error interrupt from the list in the middle of the window by
double-clicking with the left mouse button.
The window is closed when the organization block is created. The window must
therefore be opened again for each new organization block to be created. For
OB83 the entry Pull or plug of modules must be selected from the list, for
OB86 the entry Rack or station failure and for OB122 the entry IO
access error.
4.4.4 Programming the F-Blocks (user acknowledgment)
The programming and modification of the Main_Safety_RTG1 (FB1) block, for use
of an user acknowledgment, are performed below. In order to perform an user
acknowledgment on startup of the F-CPU or after eliminating errors, the ACK_REI tag
of the F-I/O DB must be set to High.
The F-I/O DB, which has been generated automatically for the measuring system, is
called F00000_Safety(TR)_1 [DB30002] in the example project and can be
found in the Project tree in the directory tree under the directory CD_582_-
EPN_PROFIsafe -> PLC_1 [CPU 1511F-1 PN] -> Program blocks ->
System blocks -> STEP7 Safety ->
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F-IO data blocks.
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