The next step is to check that talkback is working properly.
On ATEM Constellation 8K you have the option to communicate with both production
and engineering teams. Both have a unique talkback button on the front panel. Press
and hold the talkback buttons to communicate. If you want to lock the mic open so it
stays on indefinitely, double press to enable 'lock to talk' mode. Double press again to
return to 'press to talk' mode.
If you can communicate successfully with your camera operators and engineering
personnel, you can then adjust the headset monitoring levels to your preference. This is
achieved by pressing each talkback channel to activate it, for example 'Prod Talk' and
then pressing the channel volume up and down arrows to adjust its monitoring level.
This lets you mix the levels so you can comfortably hear exactly what you need to hear.
After you have confirmed talkback functionality, it's a good idea to check that tally is
working on all cameras.
To do this, press an input source button to switch it to the preview output. This will
engage the green tally light on supported Blackmagic Design cameras. Pressing the
'cut' or 'auto' button will cut or transition the source to the program master output and
the camera's tally light will illuminate red indicating the camera is on air.
If you are not seeing the tally lights illuminate, check the camera numbers are set
correctly according to the switcher's corresponding input number. This can be set in the
camera's menu settings.
With your sources set up and talkback and tally working, you're all set! Now you can
press the 'call' button. This sends a signal to all Blackmagic Design cameras via their
SDI return feeds, simultaneously activating their tally lights. It's a great way to engage
the operators' attention, letting them know you are about to go to air!
Getting Started