R911174319 | PSI6xCx.789xx
Trouble shooting „Isolated reference loss despite correct
shutdown of the system"
• Update handheld programming terminal version -203
The tip setting can be started via the handheld programming
terminal with selection of a program.
(only in connection with timer firmware version since –AZ-126)
Actual values of the gun will be reset after readinfg oft he gun
data form GDM.
(only in connection with timer firmware version since –AZ-126)
Maximal input limit for force increased from 10kN to 24kN.
10.1.11 Update from Firmware Version –BA -127
Trouble shooting „function stroke" after acknowledge tip change.
10.1.12 Update from Firmware Version –BB -128
• Improved electrode management based on tip dressing length
After exceeding the "warning limit electrode tip wear", the
electrode switches to the "Prewarning" status, but tip dressing
remains possible.
After exceeding the "maximum electrode wear", the electrode
switches to the "Prewarning" status. Once the maximum wear
has been reached, the electrode goes out of this state into the
"tip life expired" status, i.e. a further tip dress acknowledgement
is no longer possible.
• Entry in error log if a command cannot be executed due to missing positioning
• Monitoring whether tip dressing will be carried out.
As soon as the current wear counter of an electrode tip becomes more than
twice as large as the "maximum wear", the error "Max. wear exceeded – tip
change necessary" is set. This error can only be reset by changing the tip.
• Actual value log entry "Opening dimension not sufficient".
Only in conjunction with axis computer firmware from -AZ/126.
• Additional error log entry "Time relay without function" if stop circuit is opened
as long as input "Weld contactor enable" is set.
• Troubleshooting "No changeover to contact velocity after tip change".
With the function stroke, the changeover point to the contact velocity is
determined on the basis of the electrode parameter "Pre-position at sheet
Only in conjunction with axis computer firmware starting at -AZ/126.
• Troubleshooting "Abort measurement run after tip dress due to incorrect
Only in conjunction with axis computer firmware starting at -AZ/126.
• Updates axis controller firmware –AZ/126
Reduction of the parameter loading time when changing gun by
supporting the drive firmware version 20V22.
The output "Target value not valid" is also set in 7th axis
operation with invalid position setting (<-20mm).
Actual value log entry "Aparture dimension insufficient".
Only in conjunction with control firmware from -BB-128.
Output "Gun is open" in 7th axis operation
Bosch Rexroth AG