SensoCalc uses AngularJS, which is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2010-2018
Google, Inc. http://angularjs.org.
SensoCalc uses fs-jetpack, which is distributed under the MIT license.
SensoCalc uses asar, which is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2014 GitHub Inc.
SensoCalc uses clipboard.js, which is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright © 2019 Zeno
Rocha <hi@zenorocha.com>
SensoCalc uses roboto font, which is distributed under the MIT license.
SensoCalc uses gulp, which is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright (c) 2013-2018 Blaine
Bublitz <blaine.bublitz@gmail.com>, Eric Schoffstall <yo@contra.io> and other contributors.
SensoCalcl uses rcedit, which is distributed under the MIT license.
SensoCalc uses q, which is distributed under the MIT license. Copyright 2009–2017 Kristopher
Michael Kowal and contributors.
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