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Gastroback 42508 Bankett Pfanne Bedienungsanleitung Seite 53

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

VegetaBle BallS
Serves 4
• 2 potatoes, peeled and grated
• 1 zucchini, chopped very finely or grated
• 2 eggs, lightly whipped
• 1 tablespoonful vegetable oil
• 1 carrot, peeled and grated
• 1 tablespoonful poppy
• freshly ground, black pepper to taste
1. Mix potatoes, carrots, zucchini, poppy
and eggs in a bowl. Add pepper to taste.
2. Grease the Banquet Roasting Pan with
some oil and pre-heat at temperature level
3. Spoon the vegetable mix into the roa-
sting pan and press on the vegetable balls to
make them flat.
4. Roast the vegetable balls on both sides
4-5 minutes until golden brown.
muShroom SteakS
Serves 4 to 6
• 4 lean beef steaks (porterhouse steak,
Scotch filet, or rump steak)
• 1 tablespoonful vegetable oil
• 1 small onion, sliced
• 180 g mushrooms, sliced
• ½ cup beef stock
• 2 tablespoonful Worcestershire sauce
• 2 tablespoonful parsley, chopped
1. Pre-heat the Banquet Roasting Pan at tem-
perature level 10. Brush some oil on each
side of the steaks.
2. Roast steaks on each side approx. 2-3
minutes. Turn over as soon as the juices
come out.
3. Take out the steaks and prepare the sau-
ce: add onion and mushrooms to the gravy
and cook the ingredients for 1 minute. Add
Worcestershire sauce and stock. While stir-
ring continuously, bring to the boil, until the
sauce thickens. Add parsley and, possibly,
remaining juices that came out of the steaks.
Serving Suggestions:
Serve with stewed vegetables and creamed
The cooking time is determined by the
thickness of the steaks. Guidelines are
given in the following table. check the
meat via pressing on it with the flat side of
the fork (do not pierce).
Type Method Check:
Rare (Englisch): Take steaks out after sautéing. Meat is
soft and elastic.
Medium: Turn the temperature dial to 6 and cook on each side
for additional 2-3 minutes. Little resistance.
Well Done: Cook at temperature level 5 on each side for addi-
tional 4-6 minutes. Almost tough.



