Wait for end of zero measurement delay.
Status during zero measurement. When the zero measurement is com-
plete, the offset is updated.
The calculation integrates one channel via another for a specific time. For the X channel,
use the
„Timer" on page 96
over time. The Time output then contains the time in milliseconds.
You can also use the integrator to determine the (mechanical) work over a specific
period from the two quantities of force and distance (or torque and angle of rotation). In
this, the force (Y channel) must act along the distance (X channel). You will need the
measured values of a different channel for the calculation, e.g. via the ClipX bus – see
„Using multiple ClipX devices, ClipX bus" on page
the work of a pressing operation.
This calculation performs a totalizing (batcher) function in weighing applications.
For Start with define a digital signal that starts the function on a rising edge. At the start,
all output signals are reset to zero. At stop, all output signals are frozen.
After starting, the work done since the start, for example, is calculated (∫ F(s) * ds, where
F = force and s = distance) and outputted in Result. For Stop with define a digital signal
that stops the calculation on a rising edge. Normally, the Result value will steadily
increase during the runtime. But if one of the source signals - in this example either the
force or the distance - becomes negative, the Result value (the work) decreases again.
In this case Result Max (maximum work value between start and stop) will have a differ-
ent value than Result. Additionally, the maximum force (Y-Max) and distance (X-Max)
are always calculated and outputted during the runtime.
If one of the source signals is invalid, all the output signals will become invalid as well.
The calculation is aborted in this case, and you have to restart it with a new start signal.
Filter (IIR, Bessel/Butterworth)
The calculation filters a signal. Choose between Bessel or Butterworth characteristics,
and high or low pass. The filters are sixth order; the cut-off frequency must be between
0.1 and 100 Hz.
Starting up the ClipX
function and a long interval, e.g. 1e8, if you want to integrate
55. An example of this is calculating