You can also set both via your fieldbus controller. Carry out the further configuration of
the fieldbus using your PROFINET configuration tool.
Two DAPs (Device Access Points) are available to you for PROFINET:
A "fast" DAP with a minimum cycle time of 0.25 ms and six free slots.
A "slow" DAP with a minimum cycle time of 1 ms and 30 free slots.
Download the GSDXML file via your web browser's Device storage menu or from the
HBM website: The Zip file on the HBM website contains
various different versions:
GSDML-V2.33-HBM-ClipX-yyyymmdd.xml: The regular GSDML file for PN-IO ver-
sion (PROFINET stack) 2.33 in the latest release (Enter date in format Year (y),
Month (m) and Day (d); may require firmware corresponding to the date).
GSDML-V2.32-HBM-ClipX-yyyymmdd.xml: GSDML file for PN-IO version 2.32, if
your configuration tool does not support more recent standards.
GSDML-V2.31-HBM-ClipX-yyyymmdd.xml: GSDML file for PN-IO version 2.31, if
your configuration tool does not support more recent standards.
Settings for EtherCAT
You can specify all the settings via your EtherCAT configuration tool.
To configure the ClipX, the EtherCAT master can either use the ESI file or – without an
ESI file – download the object dictionary via the EtherCAT connection (device scan).
By default, no PDOs are assigned. You must make the PDO assignment yourself. Then
activate the download in the master so that the assignment is transferred to the ClipX.
The ClipX has no safe output state. On the transition from OPERATIONAL to SAFE-
OPERATIONAL, the EtherCAT-controlled outputs retain their instantaneous value, and
are no longer updated in SAFE-OPERATIONAL.
To use the hot-plug capability, assign the Hot-Connect slaves a "Station Alias" (also
termed "Second Address") in the master. Then start EtherCAT with all Hot-Connect
You can now disconnect and reconnect all Hot-Connect slaves in live operation.
Operation via fieldbus