Shielding and grounding design
The supply voltage connection, as well as the signal and sense leads, must be installed
in such a way that electromagnetic interference does not adversely affect module func-
tionality (HBM recommendation: "Greenline shielding design" – see
http://www.hbm.com/Greenline). Always connect the cable shield by the shortest pos-
sible length to the plug terminals and, as far as possible, lay the shield flat at the control
cabinet inlet with shield connection clamps, e.g. type SKS 8-SNS35 – 3062786 from
Phoenix Contact – see illustration of shield clamp.
Abb. 9:
Shield clamp for flat contacting of cable shields (example)
If you want strain relief for the sensor cable, you can use the included shield connection
clamp ME-SAS MINI - 2200456 from PHOENIX. Then attach your cable to the clamp.
You can order more clamps from HBM by quoting 1-CON-A1023.
Important: For applications in areas with potentially explosive atmospheres,
connect all cable shields to the potential equalization connection.
Double-shielded connecting cables, e.g. for sensors
We recommend using HBM cable Kab 7.5/00-2/2/2 wherever possible. The cable is
double-shielded and low in capacitance. When using double-shielded cables, connect
the outer shield only to the connection for the housing (ground symbol
"Outer cable shield" in the connection diagrams), not to one of the GND connections
). If you are using strain relief with a shield connection clamp, insert the rigid pin into
the connector for the outer cable shield (see figure below). Connect the inner shields of
the sensor cables to the connection labeled "Inner cable shield" (
lines possible for the connections.
, labeled
). Use the shortest
Electrical connections, LEDs