Managing a Patient's Profile
Entering and Editing Patient Information
To create or edit a patient's profile:
If a patient is currently selected, the patient's information will show up on the Profile Screen.
If no patient was selected, it is assumed that you wish to create a new patient and
the fields on the Profile Screen will be empty. To select or create a patient, see
Starting a Session on page 7.
Enter the following information.
Required fields are denoted by bold text.
● First Name
● Last Name
● Birth Date
● Patient ID
● Gender: Male or Female
● Physician
● Diagnosis
● Patient Address
● Patient Phone Number
Note: Though not required, it is preferred that you also enter information in the Patient ID
and Physician fields.
You may click
Note: In the event that any button other than
information entered will automatically be saved.
in the upper right corner of any screen.
to save the information.
to reverse any unsaved changes or entries.
Managing a Patient's Profile
is selected, the patient
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