See the LY51 instruction manual for trouble related to the LY51 unit.
This section describes the troubleshooting procedures related to RS-232C output.
RS-232C I/O
is not possible.
Data is not output from
the RS-232C
(input is possible)
or the output
data is incorrect.
Are the transfer speed, parity, data length and stop bit set correctly? If these
formats do not match, communication is not possible.
Are the signal lines (TX, RX, etc.) connected correctly? or are they disconnected?
(Be sure to also connect RTS, CTS and other signals correctly in accordance
with the connected equipment.)
When using link connection: Are the unit Nos. set correctly? (→ P.78)
Is the data output by the "R" command set correctly?
(Set the correct data using the initial settings.)
Is the data output command correct?
Does the input command match the requested data?
The LZ51-C is attempting to output data but the connected equipment is not set
to receive status. Are the RTS, CTS and other signal lines connected correctly?
or are they disconnected? Is the connected equipment standing by to receive
Data receive failed on the LZ51-C side. Is the RS-232C format set correctly? Is
transmission and reception being performed at the same time? (→ P.98 Note)
When using link connection: Are the unit Nos. set correctly? (→ P.78)