Seite 1
Seite 2
"IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS" When using an electrical appliance,basic safety precautionsshould alwaysbe followed. including the following:Readall instructions before using this sewing machine, "DANGER To reduce the risk of electric shock;" 1, An appliance should never be left unattended when plugged in. 2.
Seite 3
"NORMAS SEGURIDAD IMPORTANTES" Cuandoseusaun aparatoeléctricodebenrespetarse las siguientesnormasdeseguridad: "PELIGRO Para redueir el riesgo de un electroehoque:" l. No dejar nutra la måquina sin vigilancia si ella esti enchufada. 2- Después clecosery antesdelos trabajos de mantenimiento, l a måquinadebedesconectarse q uitandoel enchufede la red 3.
Seite 4
"WICHTIGE SICHERHEIISHINWEISE" Beim Gebrauch eines elektrisehen Gerätes sind folgendc Sicherhcitsmaßnahmen zu beachten.• "GEFAHR" Schutz vor elektrischem Schlag: " l. Die Uberwendlicli•NhhmaschineIlie unbeaufsichtigt stehen lassen.solangesie atu Strotunetz angesclilossenist, 21 Nach Gebrauch vor einer Reinigung die Maschine immer vom Stromnetz trennen. a. Vor einem Gliihlampenwechsei immer Netzstecker herausziehen, Nur 15W(110/115V). IOW(230/240V) verwencien.
Seite 5
"PRESCRIVTIONS SECURITE IMPORTANTES" L'emploi d'un appareil élect/ique exige d'obsetver les mesures de sécurité suivantes: lire toutes les instructions avaut cl"utiliser Ia machine. "DANGER Pour la protection contre tout choc électrique;" 1. Ne pas laisser surjeteuse sans surveillance tant qu•elle est raccordée au reseau. 2.
Seite 6
Contents/lndice/lnhaIt/Sommaire Sewing in tape „ IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS • knob. Presser loot p•essufe Differential feed*' Details of the machine Gathering .m..m.„.26 • Aeeessotias Threading thread stand Prepararpcn . Thread breakage during sewing Preparing machine Securing seams • Atmcreng tne doot controaer . •...
Seite 7
Details of the machine/Datalles de la måquina Details der Maschine/Piéces principales de la machine Lamp Uocatedinside} Loopet covet Power,'lightswitch Loopet cover openiog handlo Handwhee Ipullen Chip guard cover Machine scCKet Cloth plate Throat plate Spool holders Anti •vrbration cone Presser toot Spool holder pin Lower toopet thread tension dial...
Seite 8
Details of the machine/Detalles de la måquina Details der Maschine/Piéces principales de la machine View with looper cover open Ansicht bei geöffnetem Greiferdeckei Upper looper Oberer Grejter Oberes Messer Upper knife Ut"'eres Messer Lower knife Overlock width selection knob Unterr Greiler Lower looper K02mmschraube...
Seite 9
Assembling thread stand/EnsambIe del soporte del hilo Anbringen der Fadenführung/Mise en place du support de guide-fil Raise the support rod fully Turn the thread stand until it engages the positioning stopper IA} with a click- Levante completamente la varilla de soporte Gite el estante del hilo hasta que se enganche en el retentor (A} dB posicionamiento con un clic-...
Seite 10
Assembling the thread stand/Ensamble del soporte del hilo Anbringen der Fadenführung/Mise en place du support de guide-fil For overlock spoolS Para carretes de sobreorillado Für Überwendlich-Spulen Pour bobines de surjetage-rasage (overlock) For large spools For spools ot large inside diameter, position the anti-vibration come upside down. Para carretes grandes Para carretes de diårnetro interior grande.
Seite 11
Preparing machine/Preparaciön de la måquina Inbetriebnahme Maschine/lnstallation de la machine Attaching the foot controller Plug toot controller into machine socket. 2, Plug toot controller into power supply socket, Lay your loot on the toot controller. Step on the foot oontroller strongly (deeply), and the sewing speed increases. Step on the foot controller lightly (shallowly}, and the sewing speed decreases.
Seite 12
Operation and function /Operaciön y funciön Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Handwheel (Pulley) The handwheel turns mard you, Upon completion ot ttueadanq. at sewing stan or sewing end. be sure to turn the handwheel toward Volante de mano (Polea) El volante de mano en ditecciön hacia...
Seite 13
Operation and function /Operaciån y funciön Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Presser foot lifter (To raise the presser foot by the presser toot litter) A For regular sewing operation (sewing a medium-weight material). raise the presser foot to position (A) illustrated in the figure, B When you sew a heavy-weight material, raise the presser foot position (B} illustrated in the figure, to provide more space between presser foot and throat Plate.
Seite 14
Operation and function /Operaciön y funciön Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Releasing the upper knife sure to turn lhe power switch OFF, 1, Totnthe handwheel until lhe upper knife is fully raised. Open the looper covet. 2. Press the part indicated as in the figure toward the tight no further.
Seite 15
Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Stitch length adjusting knob (toadjustthe stitchlength) MO-654DE Stitch length is adiustable within the range from 1 to 4. To adjust the stitch length. turn the stitch length adjusting knob and move the knob upwards or downwards.
Seite 16
Operation and function /Operaciön y funciön Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Overlocking width selection knob (Foroverlockingor roll hemming) Turn the handwheel until the needles are fully raised For overlocking Push the overlocking width selection knob back so that it aligns with the rear red marking on the throat Plate, •...
Seite 17
Operation and function /Operaciön y funciön Betrieb und Funktion/Opération et fonction Changing the needles Be sureto lutn lhe power OFF, Applying needle atrachino (A) ot cleaning brush will help ropaace me needle ease. Turn 'he handwheel until 'he needle raised. Changing the needles - IO•werOt remove lhe presser using a screw•drtvor leosen lhe no€dL@ setscrews anci remove the needles.
Seite 18
Threading/Enhebrado Einfädeln/Enfilage schöne Nähte ist es wichtig. die Maschino sargfä'tig Thread the machine carefully and in lhe cortect sequence. deg korteHen Reineofofge This is important beautiful seams. Vo rbereitung Preparation 1. Retractable support rod with thread guide must be fully raised. Oer Stander mit der fadeniiihrung mug aut ganze Lange 2.
Seite 19
Threading (1)/Enhebrado Einfädeln (1 )/Enfilage 1. Upper looper thread (Blue) Place the spoolon the spool holder Pinright under blue marking on the retractablesupport rod thread guide. Bring thread up from the rear of the retractable support rod thread guide witn Oiue marking.
Seite 20
Threading (2)/Enhebrado Einfädeln (2)/Enfilage 2. Lower looper thread (Red) Place the spool on the spool holder pin right undet red marking on the retactable stopart tod thread guide. (1.2} Bring thread up from the rear or the retractable tod thread guide to the front 01 it. 4} Pass thread through thread guide plate,...
Seite 21
Threading (3)/Enhebrado Einfädeln (3)/Enfilage 3. Right-hand needle thread(Green) Place the spool on the spool ho!der pin right under the green marking on the retractable support rod thread guide. 2) Bnng thread up from the rear of the retractable support godtnread guide with the green marking to the front of it.
Seite 22
Threading (4)/Enhebrado Einfädeln (4)/Enfilage 4. Left-hand thread needle (Yellow) Place the spool on the spool stand pin right underthe yellow markingon retractable support rod thread guider Bring the thread up trom the spool to the thread guide and take it through the yellow thread gude.
Seite 23
3-thread pverlocking/Sobreorillado de 3 hilos 3-Fäden-Überwendlichnaht/Overlock å 3 fils 4 mm wide 3-thread overlocking (Right-handneedle) (Blue. red. and green) • Remove the left-hand needle. Thread in the tOllowing order. upper looper thread (Blue} (21 Lower looper thread (Red} Right-hand needle thread (Green) •...
Seite 24
2/3 thread converter/Convertidor de 2/3 hilos 2/3-Fäden-Konverters/ Convertisseur 2/3 fils to use 2/3 thread converter This attacnment enables the 1•needle type machine to performoveredging or natiouk decorative-stitching for I-ply fabric. It enables the type machine to Costura de 2 liilos perform 3•thread super strétch stitching.
Seite 25
Trial sewing/Cosido de prueba Nähprobe/Couture d'essai After threading, make a trial sewing. Be sure to use a double layer of fabric in order to check whether the seam and thread tension are adequate. Set the lower/upper looper. left-fiand/rignt nand needle thread tension Make sure that the upper knife is lowered (in the cutting position).
Seite 26
Thread tension dial/Disco de tensiön del hilo Fadenspannung/Bouton de réglage de la tension du fil Adjusting the thread tension Imperfect stitch formation can be corrected by adjusting the set value (1 to 9) on the thread tension dial Standard ot the thread tensoner dial Upper looper thread tension adjusting...
Seite 27
Adjusting the thread tension/Modo de ajustar la tensi6n del hilo Anpassen der Fadenspannung /Réglage de la tension du fil Adjusting the thread tension Turn the thread tension dial in the direction of the arrow. and make a trial sewing. the upper looper thread meet on the underside of the fabric: a —If the lower IOOper thread meet on the upper side ot the fabric: C —...
Seite 28
Roll hemming/Dobladillado de rollo Rollsäumen/Roulottage Roll hemmer Tt•ue hemmer iSbuilt•in to "he semng maenne. The tab,riC eoge autornalically rol/ed and oversewn, The result is a very fino and narrow edge finishing. Preparation for 1. Remove lhe neede ana as tor overlocking, 2, Sol the lower knife adjusting knob at "1 - 2') 3.
Seite 29
Standard thread tension list for roll hemming Ooliedhem. narrowoverlockstitch) Thread tension slightly differs depending on the types o' the fabric and threatf o use the woolly nylon thread thinner thread for roll hemming to attain the beautiful finish. use the Ihin spun thread thinner than #80. Woolly nylon thread can be used only tor the upper looper, Lista de tensiones de hilo eståndar para dobladillados en rollo (puntadade sobreorilladoestrecho,doblaå'llo...
Seite 30
Sewing in tape/Cosido en Cinta Einnähen Bändern/Pose de bande de renfort Sewing in tape The standardpresserfoot is equippedwith a tape guide_When sewingshoulders or side seams Ofstretchy fabrics as a knitted tabric. a tape works effectively to prevent undesirable stretch Of the fabric, I.
Seite 31
* Differential feed (MO-654DE)/W Transporte diferencial (MO-654DE) 4;Differential transport Mécanisme d'avance différentiel (MO-654DE) Differential feed Gathering and stretching of the fabric can be adjusted by adjusting the differential feed advstjng knob (differentiatethe feeding amountot front feed dog {A) or rear feed dog (81.) After adJusted.
Seite 32
* Gathering Fruncidos (MO-654DE) * Kräuselnähen Fronces (MO-654DE) Gathering 1i A single layer o' lighttweight fabric can be gathered. 2. Set the stitch length adjusting knobat max. 3. Set the differential feed adjusting knob at -t.S 2". For examples; Sleeve heads. lower edges. yokes. lace edging or trills When sewng without differential teed.
Seite 33
Thread breakage during sewing /Rotura del hilo durante el cosido Fadenriß beim Nähen /Fil cassé en cours de travail Thread breakage during seWing t. Turn the workpiece at a right angle direction and stop sewing immediately _ Then remove the workpiece. 2- Rethread If the lower looper thread 's broken.
Seite 34
Securing seams/Modo de asegurar las costuras Sichern Fadenenden/Renforcement fins de couture Securing seams 1. Sew about 3 to 4 cm of the thread chain at the beginning of seams. Sew 2 3 stitches on the fabric, 3. Lower the needle and raise the presser foot. 4.
Seite 35
Messers Oas chere Messer ist aus extra.hartem Spezialstahl hergestelltund muß niCht ersetzt werden, Ein Auswecttselnist nur erforderlichi wenn die Spitze der Klinge beschädigtwurde. Wenden Sie sich dazu bitte an Ihren JUKI.Håndler. Auswechseln des unteren Messers Unbedingt den Netzschalter ausschaiten Mit dem Handrad die Nadeln die Oberste Stellung Oringenv 2.
Seite 36
Maintenance/Mantenimiento Wartung/Entretien Replacing the bulb A Besureto turnthepower s witchOFE Unscrew the bulb and replace it with a new one. The power consumption of the bulb is tow (230V. 240V). t5W (120V). The bulbs are available from your local dealer. Modo de cambiar la låmpara AAsegüresededesconectar la alimentaciöm Extraiga la [ümpara Vieja y cåmbiela pot Otra nueva El valor nominal de 'a...
Seite 37
Before you call for help: Troubles and corrective measures Check the following table before you call for help from us. The following problems should not be regarded as the machine trouble. Page for Cause (reason) Corrective measures Trouble reference Incueasethe presser toot pressure by turning the Presser foot pressure is too low.
Seite 38
Bevor Sie anrufen: Betriebsprobleme und deren Korrektur Nicht allen Betriebsproblemen liegt eine technische Störung zugrunde„ Bitte prüfen Sie zunächst, 0b sich das Problem anhand der tolgenden Liste abstelten fäEt, bevor Sie uns anruten. Näheres Problem Mögliche Ursache Abhilfemaßnahme au! Seite Stofftransport •...
Seite 39
Specifications/Especificaciones Technische Daten/Caractérsteques tehniques Technische Daten Specifications Gegenstand Speziti Ration Item Specifications Anzahl der iFdden 4 threads. threads. 2 threads Number ot thread$ Fechte Nadel Fight,hand needle 1 30/705 Nadeln Needles 130/705+1 Linke Nadel Left-hand needle 1301705B x 2) Stichöreite unke Nadel Overlocking width...
Seite 40
Zierbiesendrückerfu e Piedguide-cordonnet Pied presseur emperler Contact your local dealer. / Pångase en contacto con el distribuidor local. Näheres hierzu erfahren Sie von Ihrem Händler. / Contacter le distributeur de vorte région. JUKI CORPORATION 8-2-1, KOKURYO-CHO, CHOFU-SHI, TOKYO 182. JAPAN...