To replace the front boot:
1. Remove the four Phillips screws along the sides of the metal plate.
2. Gently remove the metal plate and silicone boot covering the edges of the imager.
3. Place the new boot on the camera. Place metal plate over it.
4. Replace the screws. Torque to 8-inch pounds (0.9 Newton meters).Take care NOT to overtighten the screws during reassembly.
To replace the metal plate:
1. Remove the four Phillips screws along the sides of the metal plate.
2. Place the new metal plate over the boot.
3. Replace the screws. Torque to 8-inch pounds (0.9 Newton meters). Take care NOT to overtighten the screws during reassembly.
Replacement Parts for Camera
XTWINDOW – XT Series Display Window Replacement Kit (Screws included)
XTWINDOWSCREWS - XT Series Display Window Replacement Screws
XTMETALX – XT Series Front Metal Plate (Screws included)
XTBUMPER – XT Series Front Boot Bumper (Screws included)
Parts for Charging
XTTRUCKMOUNT - XT Series Wireless Charger (US Only)
XTCHARGEPWR - XT Series Wireless Charger AC Adapter with Interchangeable Blades
XTCHARGERRING – XT Series Charger Interface Ring Replacement Kit
XTUSBCHARGEPWR - XT Series USB AC Adapter and USB Cable
XTHARDCASE – XT Series Hard Carrying Case
XTRETRACT – XT Series Retractable Lanyard
XTTRUCKMOUNTUNIT - XT Series Vehicle Mounting Unit (Europe Only).
For all electronics with internal lithium-ion batteries, special considerations must be observed when shipping the Bullard XT.
When shipping the Bullard XT, by regulation the exterior case must have a red-bordered announcement with the following text:
"CAUTION – LITHIUM ION BATTERY – DO NOT LOAD OR TRANSPORT PACKAGE IF DAMAGED". Additionally, further regulations stipulate that
the imager must not have greater than two bars of battery charge if shipping by air. Please consult applicable shipping rules for your mode of
transport or consult with your shipping provider.
Bullard Thermal Imagers are subject to the U.S Export Administration Regulation (EAR). Distributors/End-Users must comply with all applicable
laws including the U.S. Export Administration Regulations, as well as end-user, end-use and destination restrictions issued by U.S. and other
governments; ECCN: 6A003, Subparagraph b.4b.
Bullard DXT
Thermal Imager
User Manual