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Intended Purpose - Leica LMD6500 Bedienungsanleitung



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2. Intended Purpose

2. Intended Purpose
Laser microdissection is an important interme-
diate step in the preparation of specimens for
biomedical research and the diagnostics of dis-
eases such as cancer.
This includes the examination of samples taken
from the human body with a view to providing in-
formation on physiological or pathological states
or congenital abnormalities, or to determining the
safety and compatibility with potential recipients,
or to monitoring therapeutic measures.
It helps to improve molecular examination meth-
ods, such as the PCR method which is used to
specifi cally amplify small amounts of genetic ma-
terial (DNA, RNA). Protein analysis is also pos-
sible (Proteomics).
In these investigations of mostly histological sec-
tions, laser microdissection is used for the pre-
cise and contamination-free isolation of specifi c
areas of tissue (e.g. tumor material) from single
cells or cell groups according to morphological
criteria. The dissected material is then directly
accessible for further analysis.
Depending on the job in hand, stained or un-
stained tissue sections, which are fi xed on a
slide with membrane, may be used. Fresh mate-
rial can be prepared for microdissection by mak-
ing frozen sections.
The LCC module (Live Cell Cutting) offers the pos-
sibility of contamination-free dissection of live
cells from cell cultures.
The optional AVC (Auto Vision Control) module
is the solution for automated microdissection in
which single cells are automatically recognized,
cut and collected.
The above-named microscope complies with
the Council Directive 98/79/EEC concerning in
vitro diagnostics. It also conforms to the Coun-
cil Directives 2006/95/EG concerning electrical
apparatus and 2004/108/EG concerning electro-
magnetic compatibility for use in an industrial
The manufacturer assumes no liability for
damage caused by, or any risks arising from
using the microscopes for other purposes
than those for which they are intended or not
using them within the specifi cations of Leica
Microsystems CMS GmbH.
In such cases the conformity declaration
shall cease to be valid.




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