In the 'format' menu select HD 1080 > 1080p/24 and click 'ok' to create the project.
Double click the project in the 'select project' window to open it.
Select file > input > source browser and navigate to the files you wish to import.
Select your 'target bin' from the menu and click 'import'.
When the clips appear in the media bin you can drag your clips onto the timeline and
begin editing.
Using Adobe Premiere Pro CC
To edit your Apple ProRes 422 HQ clips using Adobe Premiere Pro CC, you need to create a
new project and set a suitable video format and frame rate. For this example, clips are set using
ProRes 422 HQ 1080p25.
Setting the project name and project options in Adobe Premiere Pro CC
Launch Adobe Premiere Pro CC. In the 'welcome' window select 'new project'.
A window will open containing project settings.
Name your project. Choose the location for your project by clicking 'browse' and
selecting your desired folder. Once you've selected your location folder click OK in the
'new project' window.
Go to the Adobe Premiere Pro CC 'menu' bar, select 'file/import' and choose the clips
you want to edit. Your clips will appear in the project window.
Drag the first clip you wish to edit onto the 'new item' icon at the bottom right of the
project window. A new sequence will be created matching your clip settings.
You can now drag your clips onto the sequence timeline for editing.
Working with Third Party Software