2 Introduction
The TR SNCT Device Applet (TRSNCT) is a manufacturer-specific parameterization
and display tool that implements the requirements for an SNCT according to CIP
Networks Library Volume 5 (CIP Safety). The TRSNCT is a standalone Windows
application that establishes a connection to devices with Ethernet/IP interfaces via
network (LAN). The TRSNCT was developed for measuring systems of the CD_582M-
EIP series from TR-Electronic.
2.1 Use cases
The TRSNCT performs the following tasks:
1. Programming of the TUNID
2. Calculation of the SCCRC via the safety configuration of the CD_582M-EIP
3. Download of the safety configuration
4. Display of the device SCID for verification of the safety configuration
5. Update of the device firmware
The TRSNCT can only be used for devices with CIP Safety communication profile.
2.2 Known system configurations
The TRSNCT program has been tested on the following system configurations:
1. Microsoft Windows 10 Professional, 32bit / 64bit
2. Microsoft Windows 10 Home, 32bit / 64bit
The system requirement is an installed .NET framework v4.5 or higher.
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