Please note:
• Both trays must be checked.
Beware of moving parts
If the lifting mechanism is in motion while the side panels are dismantled, there
is a risk of being crushed by the tray moving up and down.
Keep your hands away from the device.
• To position the lifting mechanism of the tray, the suction carriage must be in the INIT/HOME
position for mechanical safety and the loading flap closed. If this is not the case, the lifting
mechanism does not work!
• Assumption: The upper tray is active. Select "[1] LAL TrayMover" and "A] LAL move TrayMover
UP" to move the lower tray in position.
• Run the checks/settings for the second tray as of step 12.
Concluding Work
27. After the check/setting is concluded, close the loading flap ("[1] LAL TrayMover > [D] move flap
28. Move the suction bar to the TOP position ("[3] LAL SuckBar > [A] LAL move suckbar to top")
29. Initialize the suction carriage: "[2] LAL SuckWagon > [3] init SuckWagon"
30. Exit the terminal application.
31. Initialize the Suprasetter (switch off/switch on).