Bosch Rexroth AG
The bacterial count needs to be monitored at temperatures below 60°C. A
biocide has to be used in the case of values above 1000 CFU/ml (colony-
forming units).
The water should be free from solid substances.
Aluminum in the water circuit must be avoided because a special treatment is
necessary otherwise.
Water treatment
If the values shown in the preceding table cannot be observed, an appropriate
water treatment is necessary. Please note the following:
For working temperatures greater than 110°C are advised, to soften the water.
Above 180°C a desalination is advised. Because with salt-free water the buffering
is missing, the water needs to be conditioned accordingly to stabilize the pH
The values of treated water can deviate from the values of non-treated water.
They are in accordance with the information provided by the conditioner.
If the water is treated, the limit values for top-up and supplemental water
comply with the information provided by the conditioner; this also applies to the
interval for checking the water quality.
In water treatment, care must be taken that the media are suited to be
operated at maximum device temperatures.
Establishing and operating circuits with treated water is normally performed by
the user or a contracting partner. Both requires the corresponding advance
clarification and diligent action.
For a better understanding of the coolant recommendations provided here, Tab.5
describes a number of problems which may occur if these recommendations are
not followed.
Stoffe die zur Zerstörung des Kühlkörpers und der Anschlüsse führen
Tab. 5:
Property of the coolant or
limit value exceeded
Do not use any seawater!
Water observing the limit
Use of inhibitors. Closed circuit must have a pressure relief
Oxygen input
Closed circuit, with pressure relief valve, use of inhibitors.
Use of inhibitors.
Dilute with de-ionized water until the limit value is reached.
Dissolved materials, e.g.
Rinse cooling circuit without PS6000 devices. Use strainers
(fine filters).
Total hardness
Use of inhibitors. Check salt content.
Potential equalization of all components of the circuit. Check
salt content.
Biological contamination
Use of biocides, strainers (fine filters).
< 1 mg/l
Rinse cooling circuit without PS6000 devices. Use strainers
(fine filters).
Inadequate potential
Provide all components with a potential equalization
(Section 5.5).
R911370699 | PS6000/PRC7000 with water cooling