What have we
So far we have written two programs (PLC_PRG and P_AND). The subroutine
P_AND was entered in PLC_PRG so that P_AND is now also activated by
achieved so
Program test
How do we
Our project has now reached a stage where we can test if it meets our
expectations. The first program test is normally carried out as follows.
Select the option 'Online' and make sure that the simulation mode is active.
This is the case when you see a tick (√) before Simulation. Should that not be
the case, click on 'Simulation Mode' (Figure 56).
Figure 56: Simulation Mode
'Online' 'Login'
Selecting the option 'Online' 'Login' (
the project. If a syntax error is detected, CoDeSys will give you a message in
the Messages window and will refuse login. We cannot explain all possible
syntax errors in this place. Double clicking on the error message automatically
takes you to the faulty line. You can scroll from one error message to the next
by pressing the F4 key.
Let's assume that the program contains no errors or that all errors have been
corrected. In both cases the system should have logged in correctly.
'Online' 'Start'
Activate the program by 'Online' 'Start' (
click on
. The status line (shown below in the program window) should now
Figure 56) or clicking on
Figure 56) or press the F5 key or
The start