The check-control messages are divided into two groups:
1. Messages in explicit mode:
2. Messages in code:
When there are several errors, their representation is timed, passing in succession on the display.
POSSIBLE CAUSES: when the message is visualized
Machine cold
1. This message will appear on the display every time the
machine is turned on until the service boiler pressure falls
below the pre-set working pressure. When the service
boiler reaches the pre-set pressure, the message auto-
matically disappears.
2. Whether the service boiler cannot reach the set working
pressure because of a problem, this message will be inte-
grated with the message in code identifying the component
that caused that problem.
No coffee
One or all hoppers are almost empty.
This message means that the coffee ground drawer is full.
drawer full
10 more coffee selections (or 5 double dose) may be made
(coffee-based drinks) before the machine is blocked and
the following message is then displayed.
Empy drawer
The machine counts in decreasing order the pre-set max-
imum grounds number. This message means that that
value run out. The machine is blocked and no coffees bev-
erages can be delivered.
This message always appears when the back side of the
drawer is not in the right position.
This message is displayed when the machine requires the
periodic maintenance intervention. In order to eliminate tem-
porary the message, keep pressed RES key for approximately
8 seconds. The message will reappears in the successive
relighting of the machine with the main switch.
02_S39DV2.indd 20
15. Check Control Messages
they position on the last line at the bottom of the Display. They are cancelled on
each new cycle and then appear again if the cause that generated them returns
these appear in the top right-hand corner with the following syntax: Exxx
- E indicates an error;
- xxx rappresents the error code of the unit.
Messages in explicit mode
20 EN
2. Consult the technical manual and refer
Fill in the hopper with coffee beans.
Empty the drawer to reset the counter or
wait until when the machine will display
the message 'empty drawer'.
Consult the technical manual to program
the number of grounds to the attainment
of which the message will be visualized.
Remove the coffee grounds drawer.
Empty the drawer and replace it in the
correct position. Close the panel. Dur-
ing this operation the message 'Groun.
Draw. Removed' will be displayed.
If this message appears when the draw-
er is inserted, check the drawer is cor-
rectly positioned.
This operation is performed automatical-
ly and requires no action by the user.
This operation does not impede the hot
water delivery.
Contact the authorized technical depart-
ment. The message will be displayed
until the service will be carried out. (Re-
fer to the Technician's Manual).
18/06/2014 15:15:33