Electric shock hazard!
Faulty dealing with current may jeopardize your life!
All pumps with free cable ends must be connected by
a qualified electrician.
5.7. Rotational direction
No check is required for single phase motors, since these
always run in the correct direction.
The direction of rotation must be checked in three phase
motors before commissioning. When using a HOMA
switchgear with LED for direction of rotation, this flashes
in the event of wrong direction of rotation. The check can
be carried out by observation of the start-jerk. For this,
place the pump vertically onto the floor, slightly onto the
edge and switch on for a short time. When seen from
above, the pump rebounds slightly anticlockwise in
correct direction of rotation.
The direction of rotation is correct if the pump moves an-
ticlockwise, since the motor starts clockwise when seen
from above. The check of the correct direction of rotation
in pumps that are already installed can be carried out by
comparison of the pumping height and the pumping quan-
tity with different directions of rotation.
The direction of rotation with the higher pumping height
and pumping quantity is the correct direction of rotation.
In the event of wrong direction of rotation two phases
of the power supply must be interchanged. As standard,
the pumps are delivered with CEE power plugs. The in-
terchange of phases is carried out by 180° rotation of the
round holding plate on the poles of the plug with a screw
The indicated conveying data and performance data
can only be achieved if a clockwise rotation field is
present. The machinery is not designed for operation
in an anticlockwise rotation field.
5.8. Motor protection
The minimal requirement is thermal relay / circuit break-
er with temperature compensation, differential trigger
and anti-pumping device in accordance with VDE 0660/
respective local regulations. If the machinery is connect-
ed to electric circuits in which frequent interferences oc-
cur, we recommend additional installation of safeguard-
ing equipment (e.g. overvoltage relay, undervoltage relay
or phase failure relay, lightning protection, etc.). The lo-
cal and legal regulations must be complied with when
connecting the machinery.
Single phase motor
Pumps with 230 V/1Ph motors are equipped with a con-
denser in the motor housing cover.
Three phase motor
Pumps with 230 V/1Ph motors are equipped with a power
contactor in the motor housing cover.
34 | EngliSH
5.9. Switch-on types
Switch-on types with plug
Insert the plug into the provided socket. Pump starts di-
rectly. When using a float switch, the pump will start as
soon as the switch is triggered.
5.9.1. After switching on
The rated current is surpassed quickly during the start-up
process. After termination of this process the work current
should not exceed the rated current. If the motor does not
start immediately after switch-on, it must be switched off
immediately. Before further switch-on the switch pauses
according to the technical data must be complied with.
In the event of a further interference the machine must
be switched off immediately. A further switch-on process
may only be started after recovery of the fault.
The following points should be checked:
operating voltage (permitted deviation +/- 5% of the
rated voltage)
Frequency (permitted deviation -2% of the rated fre-
Power input (permitted deviation between the phases
maximum 5%)
Voltage difference between the individuals phases
Switching frequency and pauses (see technical data)
Introduction of air in the feed stream, an impact plate
must be fitted, if appropriate.
Minimum submersion in water, level control, protec-
tion against dry run
Smooth run
Check for leakages, if appropriate take the necessary
steps according the chapter 'maintenance'