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Preparation Work; Electrical System; Direction Of Rotation; Motor Protection - Homa CH432 Originalbetriebsanleitung

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The following points must be taken into account to avoid
personal and material damage when troubleshooting ma-
chinery failures:
The commissioning of the machinery must only be
carried out by qualified and trained personnel in com-
pliance with the safety regulations.
All personnel working on the machinery must have
received, read and understood the operating instruc-
Activate all safety equipment and emergency switch-
offs before commissioning.
Electro-technical and mechanical settings must only
be carried out by specialists.
This machinery is only suitable for use under the indi-
cated operating conditions.

5.5. Preparation work

The machinery was constructed and fitted according to
the latest technology, so that it works for a long time and
reliably under normal operating conditions. This requires,
however, that you comply with all requirements and in-
formation. Small oil leakages of the floating ring seals on
delivery are not problematic, but they must be removed
before lowering/immersion into the pump medium.
Please check the following points:
Cable run – no loops, slightly tightened
Check temperature of the medium and submersion
depth – see machinery data sheet
If a tube is used for pressure, this must be rinsed
with clear water prior to use so that no deposits lead
to obstructions.
The pump pit must be cleaned for wet installation
The pressure-sided and suction-sided pipework sys-
tem must be cleaned and all gate valves must be
The pump casing must be flooded, e.g. it must be
filled completely with the medium and it must not
contain any more air. The de-aeration can be carried
out by means of suitable venting devices in the sys-
tem or, if available, by air-vent screws on the pressure
Check accessories, pipework, suspension devices for
firm and correct fitting
Check available level controls/protection against dry

5.6. Electrical System

The respective local and VDE regulations must be com-
plied with when choosing and installing the electrical
leads as well as connecting the motor. The motor must
be protected with a circuit breaker. The motor must be
connected according to the wiring diagram. Note the di-
rection of rotation! In the event of the wrong direction of
rotation, the machine does not perform as indicated and it
can become damaged under unfavorable circumstances.
Electric shock hazard!
Improper dealing with current may jeopardize your
life! All pumps with free cable ends must be connect-
ed by a qualified electrician.

5.7. Direction of Rotation

No check is required for single phase motors, since these
always run in the correct direction of rotation.
The direction of rotation must be checked in three phase
motors before commissioning. When using HOMA
switchgear with LED for direction of rotation, this con-
trol indicator flashes in the event of wrong direction of
rotation. The check can be carried out by observation of
the start-jerk. To do so, place the pump vertically onto the
floor, slightly on the edge and switch on for a short time.
When seen from above, the pump rebounds slightly anti-
clockwise in the correct direction of rotation.
The direction of rotation is correct if the pump moves an-
ticlockwise, since the motor starts clockwise when seen
from above.
Checking the correct direction of rotation in pumps that
are already installed can be carried out by comparison of
the pumping height and the pumping quantity with differ-
ent directions of rotation. The direction of rotation with
the higher pumping height and pumping quantity is the
correct direction of rotation. In the event of wrong direc-
tion of rotation, two phases of the power supply must be
interchanged. As standard, the pumps are delivered with
CEE power plugs.
The interchange of phases is carried out by 180° rotation
of the round holding plate on the poles of the plug with a
screw driver.
The indicated conveying and performance data can
only be achieved if a clockwise rotation field is pres-
ent. The machinery is not designed for operation in an
anticlockwise rotation field.

5.8. Motor Protection

The minimal requirement is a thermal relay / circuit break-
er with temperature compensation, differential trigger and
anti-pumping device in accordance with VDE 0660 or the
respective local regulations. If the machinery is connected
to electric circuits in which frequent interferences occur,
we recommend additional installation of safeguarding
equipment (e.g. overvoltage relay, undervoltage relay or
phase failure relay, lightning protection, etc.). The local
and legal regulations must be complied with when con-
necting the machinery.
Single phase motor
Pumps with 230 V/single phase motors must be provided
with a switchgear with operation condenser. These HOMA
switchgears are also available as accessories. When using
other switchgears, the rated current of the motor must be
considered when laying out the circuit breaker.
Pump type
Operating capacitor
Three phase motor
Standard pumps with three phase motors are not equipped
with switchgear with a circuit breaker. These matching
HOMA switchgears are available as accessories.
EngliSH | 41



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