Manual Input of numbers
If only numbers are needed for the data entry (e.g. manual entry of the scan fitting code), then
only the numbers from 0 – 9 are offered for selection. The numbers can be selected using the
>+< and >-< buttons. The >arrow to the left< and >arrow to the right< buttons are used to lo-
cate the individual numbers. After entry of the last number, also confirm this by pressing the >ar-
row to the right< button.
Performance of a welding sequence
Press the multi-function key >WELDING< on the Start screen.
The required data for welding can be entered under the menu point >WELDING<. A barcode
can be read in for this using the barcode scanner or, otherwise, data can also be entered manu-
ally using the multi-function keys.
Input Welder Name
If the option "Welder code" is deactivated the name of the welder can be entered at this point.
Entry can be either manually or through use of the barcode. The "Welder name" is a freely en-
tered name consisting of up to 30 digits. Entry can be sprung over using the >OK< button. If the
option "Welder code" is activated, the "Welder name" is not additionally queried.
Welder code
If the option "Welder code" is activated in the parameters (see Section 7.5 "SETUP"), then a val-
id welder code must be entered at this point (only an ISO-standard compliant welder code will be
accepted by the device).
Scan Site-Code
This entry can be made either through use of the barcode scanner or manually or can also be
skipped over by using the >OK< button and thus remains empty.
The current date and time and ambient temperature are displayed here.
Environmental Condition
If the option "Environmental condition" is activated (see Section 7.5 „SETUP"), then the envi-
ronmental conditions at the point in time of the welding (sunny, dry, rain, wind, time, heating)
should be entered at this point.
Fitting Code
The scan fitting code must be entered here. This contains details about the welding voltage,
welding time and (in part) cooling time and is located on the electro fusion coupler in the form of