9. Getting Started
with the Model Vehicle
a) Connecting the drive battery
• Before connecting the drive battery to the cruise control, start up the remote control (switch-on)
and check the correct operation of the transmitter.
• In order to avoid a sudden start up of the wheels and hence an uncontrolled pull out of the model,
place the car model on an appropriate object (start box, transport box or the like), to allow the
wheels to move freely in case of a fault.
• Place the ON/OFF switch at the cruise control in the "OFF" position, if available.
• Connect the drive battery with the cruise control.
• Switch-on the cruise control (switch position "ON") and check the drive-and-steer functions as
well as the necessary trim values of your car following the specifications in the user's manual of
the remote control.
If the electric motor doesn't stop when the operating lever for the drive function is in the
middle position, a programming of the cruise control must be carried out.
b) Programming an electronic cruise control
When programming a cruise control, the latter "learns" the control signals of the transmitter for the
different positions "Motor OFF", "Full Throttle" and "Reverse/Brake".
Consult the operating manual of your cruise control regarding the procedure that is to be followed
during the programming.
Out tip:
Before programming the cruise control, make sure that no limitation has been programmed
at the transmitter for the throttle function and that the throttle trim is exactly in the cen-
ter position.
If, when programming the full throttle position, you only use 95% of the control travel,
this guarantees, that during later use, the control travel of the cruise control will be fully
used and that the entire battery voltage will be transmitted in full to the motor.