Roll trim:
If the helicopter wants to turn or tilt sideways to the right, reduce the speed and push the trim slider for the roll function
(see figure 1, item 3) gradually to the left.
Push the pitch lever carefully forward and check if the adjustment was sufficient.
Repeat the procedure until the model does not show any tendency to drift to the right. If the helicopter wants to drift to
the left, carry out a trim adjustment to the right.
Nod trim:
If the helicopter wants to drift forward, then reduce the speed and push the trim slider for the nod function (see figure
1, item 7) gradually backward.
Push the pitch lever carefully forward and check if the adjustment was sufficient.
Repeat the procedure until the model does not show any tendency to drift forward. If the helicopter wants to drift
backward, carry out a trim adjustment forward.
Pitch trim:
The trim for the pitch function should be set so that the model helicopter floats on the same height if the control stick for
the pitch function is in the centre position. Otherwise the drive motors must be switched off when the control stick is in
the bottom-most position.
Figure 12
Figure 13