10. Supplement to ex-protection implementation
10.0. Declaration of Conformity
HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH
Industriestraße 1
D-53819 Neunkirchen-Seelscheid
For pump series:
Including Motor types:
motor type
(C)AM 120
Ex II 2 G Ex c d IIB T4 (T3)
(C)AM 122
Ex II 2 G Ex c d IIB T4 (T3)
(C)AM 136
Ex II 2 G Ex c d IIB T4 (T3)
(C)AM 173
Ex II 2 G Ex c d IIB T4 (T3)
AM 204
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e IIB T4 (T3)
AM 210
AM 243
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e IIB T4 (T3)
AM 303
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e IIB T4 (T3)
AM 376
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e IIB T4 (T3)
AM 421
Applied Directive: 2014/34/EU
Applied harmonized standards:
EN 60079-0:2012
EN 60079-1:2014
EN 60079-7:2007
EN 60079-11:2012
EC Type-Examination by:
DEKRA Certification B.V. NL; label 0344
TÜV Rheinland Industrieservice GmbH; label 0035
We declare as manufacturer:
Products labelled accordingly meet the requirements of
the listed directive and standards. This declaration loses
its validity in case of any product modifications that are
not approved by HOMA Pumpenfabrik GmbH.
Vassilios Petridis
Manager development and production
Revision: 0
Intrinsic safety
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e ib IIB T4 (T3)
Ex II 2 G Ex c d ib IIB T4 (T3)
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e ib IIB T4 (T3)
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e ib IIB T4 (T3)
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e ib IIB T4 (T3)
Ex II 2 G Ex c d e ib IIB T4 (T3)
EN 1127-1:2011
EN 13463-1:2009
EN 13463-5:2011
10.1. General information
Application validity
The validity of these operating instructions apply exclu-
sively to HOMA explosion protected submersible
motor pumps. The general operating instructions are to be
observed together with these operating instructions.
Area of application
The information in these additional operating instruc-
tions apply only for HOMA equipment that are used in
potentially explosive zones.
Caution! Non-adherence to the instructions can lead
to explosions!
10.2. Intended use according to RL94/9/EG
Definition of terminology
Explosion-protected submersible motor pumps are prima-
rily intended for waste waters with slimes, solids, fibers,
feces as well as soiled waters of all types. The atmo-
spheres of the areas where the units are used may be
explosive due to the local operational circumstances.
Conditions for use
Caution! The intended use of the explosion-protec-
ted submersible motor pumps always assumes a co-
ver of fluids of the pump hydraulics in order to ensure
a primary explosion protection of the mechanical
part in normal operation!
Caution! The machines must never be run in idle. This
must be ensured by a level control as described in
Caution! The machines must only be operated in the
power range between the input power P1max and
P1min in order to effectively prevent a critical tempe-
rature at the outside motor surface. For data of the
power limits see Appendix Table 1, electrical data or
the information in the respective type examination
certificate. Due to its model testing design, the elec-
trical part (submersible motor) may be used in poten-
tially explosive regions of the zones 1 and 2. HOMA
ex-protected submersible motors model AM satisfy
the requirements for electrical equipment for poten-
tially explosive areas according to DIRECTIVE 94/9/
for intended use in potentially explosive areas of the:
Equipment group II Category 2 application conditions
for Zones 1 and 2.
Devices in this category are only intended for use in areas
in which it can be expected that an explosive atmosphere
of gases, condensates, mists or dust/air mixture could oc-
casionally occur. The following standards are decisive for
ex-relevant implementation for ex-protected submersible
motors for the electrical and mechanical part.
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