EN 60079-0:2006
EN 60079-1:2007
EN 60079-7:2007
EN 60079-11:2007
EN 1127-1:2007
EN 13463-1:2009
EN 13463-5:2003
Definition of the ignition protection type
The design direction for ex protection of the HOMA-
produced explosion-protected equipment is achieved by
means of
Ignition protection type: pressure-tight enclosure „d".
In this, the parts that can ignite a potentially explosive at-
mosphere are arranged in a housing that, in the explosion
of a potentially explosive mixture inside it, withstands the
pressure and thus prevents a transfer of the explosion
to the potentially explosive atmosphere surrounding the
housing. Equipments that possesses a separate connec-
tion chamber, additionally satisfy the requirements of the
ignition protection type. Enhanced security „e".
In the case that instrument lines are fed for connection
from simple electrical equipment corresponding to EN
60079-11 PARA. 5.4 through the pressure-tight enclosed
chamber (conductance measurement, float switch as leak
monitoring, etc.), then these satisfy the requirements
of ignition protection type. Intrinsic safety „i". The igni-
tion type of safety „c" is applied in order to adhere to
the device protection in explosive- endangered areas for
non-electrical equipment (mechanical ex-protection). For
this purpose it is possible to make use of structural mea-
sures, which, by means of sufficient dimensions of the
components, provide protection against possible ignition
by moving parts, generated heated surfaces, sparks and
adiabatic compression.
The EU type examination certificates for explosion-protec-
ted submersible motor pumps are issued by the DEKRA
DEKRA . . ATEX . . . .
(certificates before 2011)
KEMA . . ATEX . . . .
(see rating plate)
Together with the notification on the recognition of the
quality assured production and the conformity declaration
according to EN 45014 of the manufacturer, it is permit-
ted, according to Directive 94/9/EG that explosion-pro-
tected equipment is taken into goods traffic or operation.
Labeling of explosion-protected submersible motor
pumps (see conformity certificate Page 2)
54 | EngliSH
„General determinations"
Flameproof enclosures „d"
Enhanced security „e"
Intrinsic safety „i"
Potentially explosive atmospheres -
explosion protection
Part 1 - Fundamentals and methods
Part 1:Non-electrical equipment for use
in potentially explosive areas
Fundamentals and requirements.
Protection by constructional safety „c"
10.3. Safety information
General information
Caution! Interventions into explosive- protected
equipment may only be carried out by officially „qua-
lified persons" or workshops or persons authorized
by us. Any works, installation, repairs and servicing
and monitoring must be carried out with observing to
these operating instructions and the associated
Safety during servicing
Caution! Before servicing or repair is carried out in
explosive- protected electrical equipment, it is to be
separated from the grid and to be secured against
inadvertent switching-on. If the motor is situated n a
potentially explosive atmosphere, then it is to be re-
moved from the ex area before opening. The pump
shaft must be sufficiently vented via the exhaust sys-
tem before disconnecting and pulling out of a sub-
mersible motor pump from the coupling automatic for
the purpose of revision work on explosion-protected
submersible pump installations!
Safety for electrical connections
Caution! The electrical connection of the equipment
to the plant controls may only be carried out using
the wiring diagram provided. Independent handling
leads to danger of health and life and generally inva-
lidates the guarantee. Every explosion-protected
submersible motor is equipped with bi-metallic ther-
mal switch or thermal elements (PTC thermistor) as a
temperature limiter. These must be switched accor-
ding to the original switching plan such that an auto-
matic restart lock becomes effective when the criti-
cal temperature has been reached. After successful
switch-off or removal of damage, the explosion-pro-
tected submersible motor must be manually
reconnected to the grid.
10.4. Conditions from the EU type examina-
Description of the motor cooling systems
Submersible motor pumps with submersible motor AM
....../...EX consisting of a hydraulic pump part coupled via
a common motor shaft to a 3-phase motor. The motor is
equipped with a permanently fixed power cable.
The submersible motor series AM ....../...EX are
cooled by means of the pumping medium and are suited for
continuous operation S1 with fully covered motor for
pumping raw waste water with slime and solids.
The submersible motor series AM ....../...LEX are cooled
by means of a closed cooling system and are thus suited
for continuous operation S1 with not-covered motor for
pumping raw waste water with slime and solids.
The submersible motor series AM ....../...UEX are
cooled by a by-pass part-flow of the pumping medium and
are thus suited for continuous operation S1 with not-co-
vered motor for pumping the raw waste water without
sedimenting slime or solids.