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VOLTCRAFT V-CHARGE 100 DUO Bedienungsanleitung Seite 68



Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

• Never operate the device immediately after it was taken from a cold room to a warm
room. The resulting condensation may lead to malfunctions or damage!
Let the product reach room temperature before taking it into operation again. This
may take several hours!
• Avoid operation in direct proximity of strong magnetic or electromagnetic fields,
transmitter aerials or HF generators. This can affect the control electronics.
• If you have reason to believe that the device can no longer be operated safely,
disconnect it immediately and make sure it is not operated unintentionally.
Disconnect the charger from the voltage/current supply. Do not use the product any
more after this, but take it to a specialised workshop or dispose of it in an environ-
mentally compatible manner.
It can be assumed that operation without danger is no longer possible if the device
has any visible damage, the device no longer works, after extended storage under
unsuitable conditions or after difficult transport conditions.
• Keep the entire product at a dry, cool, clean site that is not accessible to children.

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