Pos: 17 /TD/Überschriften/3. Leistungsbeschreibung @ 0\mod_1173774791554_79.doc @ 301 @ 1
Pos: 18 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Verwendung/testo 477 @ 4\mod_1249031406678_79.doc @ 46665 @ 2
The testo 477 can be used in many areas of industry, research &
development, in laboratories and universities.
Normally, the testo 477 is used when the aim is to show fast-
moving objects in slow motion. In this case, you can analyze their
movement securely and smoothly, check for proper procedures and
determine undesirable sources of vibrations etc.
You can also use the testo 477 to seemingly "freeze" the
movement of an object. Without making contact with the object, you
can precisely determine its rotational speed or the frequency of
shifts in direction.
Compared to other portable stroboscopes, the testo 477 LED
stroboscope can be operated with just one hand.
Customary uses/applications:
High-speed assembly lines, feed systems, filling systems etc.
Presses and looms
Motors, fans, pumps and turbines
Calibration and test instruments
Monitoring laboratory and research facilities
Pos: 19 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Lieferumfang/Lieferumfang 477 @ 4\mod_1249033000565_79.doc @ 46696 @ 2
Scope of delivery
The testo 477 is delivered with the following accessories:
testo 477 LED stroboscope
Cable with connector for external trigger signals
Instruction manual
Calibration report
6 batteries (AA)
Pos: 20 /TD/Leistungsbeschreibung/Technische Daten/Technische Daten 477 @ 4\mod_1249041732539_79.doc @ 46854 @ 2
3 Specifications