Translation of original operating instructions
Please note: the dry run protection can also be activated by a too low flow rate
during operation (<250 l/h).
Setting of operation mode
Basically, a change in the operating parameters of the pump is only possible if
the pump is connected to the mains but switched off, this means in the upper bar
of the control panel, only the green LED under the writing Power should light up.
If this is not the case please press the STOP button to switch off the pump.
The operation of the automatic pump as a booster set is only permitted in "with
tank" mode. If the mode has been accidentally set to the "ohne Tank" mode, it is
necessary to change the operating mode. Simultaneously press the "CUT IN"
and the "CUT OFF" button for 5 seconds.
The green indicator will go out and the yellow "mit Tank" indicator will illuminate.
At the same time, the yellow warning light for the switch-off pressure of "MAX"
jumps to a value that is 1.5 bar above the selected switch-on pressure. You can
adjust these settings as described below. Please note that a CUT-OFF pressure
of 4.5 bar is not recommended, since this value corresponds to the maximum
pressure of the pump and thus leads to long pump running times without water
flow (pump shuts off only after the pressure has been reached).
The most economical mode of operation for a domestic waterworks is to set the
CUT-OFF pressure of 1.5 - 2 bar above the CUT-IN pressure. The preset mini-
mum difference between the two switching values is 1.5 bar.
Setting the pump pressure
The switch-on pressure of the electronic pump control is preset to 1.6 bar. This is
indicated by the green "MIN" indicator lighting up. Experience has shown that this
value is ideally suited for most installations. Should any modification of this set-
ting be required, you must switch off the pump by pressing the "STOP" button
and then keep the "CUT-IN" button pressed for 3 seconds. Then the green indi-
cator light that indicates the currently set switch-on pressure starts flashing. By
pressing the "CUT-IN" button again you can change the value for the switch-on
pressure in ascending order, the selected switch-on pressure value is indicated
by the flashing of the corresponding LED. If the "CUT-IN" button is not pressed
for more than 5 seconds, the correspondingly selected value is saved and the
pump returns to standby mode and can then be restarted by pressing the "ON"
button. To store the start-up pressure, you can press the "CUT-IN" button for
three seconds.
In this context, please note that a modification of this kind will only affect the
switch-on pressure of the pump, but will not cause any pressure increase inside
the pipe system. The cut-out pressure will always be the max. pressure of the
pump and isn´t changeable in this mode.
You can also adjust the corresponding switch-off pressure in the same way, i.e.
by pressing the "CUT-OFF" key for 3 seconds you reach the setting mode for the
switch-off pressure. The yellow control lamp starts flashing and by briefly press-
ing the "CUT-OFF" button again, you can change the value for the switch-off
pressure in ascending order.