To use the device as a 'continuous fire', you can select the prim ary and secondary air
scoops in such a way you get the right burning speed. Always m ake sure there's
enough glow on the heating bottom .
Ash removal
By using the shovel, you can rem ove the ashes adequately and gather them in the
ashtray. The ashtray can be rem oved from t he appliance by m eans of the supplied
"cold" hand (see picture).
Relatively speaking, burning wood produces litt le ash and
it will not be necessary to rem ove it each tim e daily. More-
over, wood burns better on a bed of ash.
When you heat with coals, the ashes should be removed on
a regular basis and the ashtray should be em ptied fre-
quently. The ashes m ust NEVER reach the underside of the
heating grat e.
Extinguishing the fire
Stop fuelling the fire and let it burn out.
Damping a fire by closing the air slides involves the release of nox ious gases. You
should let the fire burn out and keep an eye on it as long as it is still glowing.
Weather conditions
Mist and heavy fog will block t he chimney's fume outlet and may lead to sm oke em is-
sion into the living room .
It is best not to use the stove under these weather conditions.
300G / 310GX