Especially if the flue runs through unheated room s or outside the house, further
insulat ion is necessary. Metal chimneys or parts of the chim ney outside heated
rooms should always have double- walled, insulated flues. The part of the chim-
ney outside the roof should always be insulat ed.
The chim ney should be high enough (at least four met res) and should end in a
zone that is clear of nearby buildings, trees or other obstacles. The rule of
thum b here is: 60 cm above the ridge of the roof. If the distance bet ween the
ridge and the chim ney m easures m ore than three m etres, see the dim ensions
stipulated in the illustrat ion below. Depending on the presence of nearby build-
ings or t rees, the chim ney should be higher.
3.1.2. Ventilation
highest point of the roof
within a distance of 3 m.
The burning of wood, charcoal or gas involves ox ygen consumption. It is of the ut-
most importance that the room in which the stove is installed should be sufficient ly
Insufficient ventilation m ay disrupt the com bustion process and cause the sm oke
flow through the chimney to be interrupted, which m ay lead to sm oke em issions
into the room .
If necessary, you can install a ventilation grille to provide a constant flow of fresh air
in the room. This precaut ion is particularly necessary in well- insulated rooms with
mechanical ventilation.
Ensure not to use other air- consum ing appliances, such as heaters, cooking hoods,
bathroom ventilators, in the sam e room or in the house while the stove is burning;
or m ake sure t o have an ex tra ventilation grill installed for these appliances.
If your stove is equipped with the (optional) connection set to feed com bustion air
from outside t he room , you do not need an additional air supply. However, ensure
sufficient vent ilation of the room from which you supply air.
3.1.3. Floor, walls
A safe distance should be kept between the stove and com bustible m at erials such as
wooden walls and furniture. If you purchased a freestanding stove, this distance
should be at least fort y cent im etres.
The appliance shall be installed on floors with an adequate load- bearing capacit y.
Com bustible floors require sufficient protect ion against radiant heat by m eans of a
fireproof protective plate. Rugs and carpets must be kept at a distance of at least
eighty centim et res from the fire.
300G / 310GX
3 m
3 m
min 0.5 m
min 0.5 m
min 1 m