WARN. Low voltage
The other menu pages vary with the associated functions and are described later by type of indication or setting. Once you have entered any
menu, the bottom of the page always shows a summary of the main operating parameters (running status or any fault, current speed and pressure).
This allows a constant view of the machine's fundamental parameters.
Identifying code
The following may appear on the pages that show parameters: numerical values and units of measure of the current item, values of other
parameters linked to the setting of the current item, graphic bar, lists; see Fig. 15.
4.4 - Structure of the menu pages. (FIRMWARE VERSION ≥ 4.x.x)
When switched on, some presentation pages are displayed showing the name of the product and the logo, after which the main menu appears.
The name of each menu, whichever it may be, is always at the top of the display.
The following always appear on the main page:
Status Icons: description in Table 10
Auxiliary Functions Icons: description in Table 11
Pressure: value in [bar] or [psi] depending on the set unit of
Flow: value in [l/min] or [gal/min] depending on the unit of measure
Power: value in [kW] of the power absorbed by the device.
The list of Errors and Alarms can be found in Table 15 and Table 16 in Chapter 6.
KIWA Sensor Error
Writing and reading the factory settings on EEprom
Warning due to lack of supply voltage
Table 8: Status and error messages on the main page
Figure 15 Display of a menu parameter
Indications on the status bar at the bottom of each page
Motor running
Motor stopped
Motor status manually disabled
Motor revs per minute
Plant pressure
Presence of an error preventing operation of the electropump
Table 9: Indications on the status bar
Table 10: System Status Icons
Main Page: Auxiliary Functions Icons
In the frame at the bottom of the screen, present on all pages, the following
always appear:
Status Label: status labels are described in Table 12;
Blocking Error Description / Alarm Description: caption placed after the
FAULT / WARNING label and consisting of the error / alarm acronym and a
brief description.
Motor revs: value in [rpm].
Pressure: value in [bar] or [psi] depending on the set unit of measure.
Main Page: Status Icons
Motor running
Motor stopped
Motor manually disabled
Blocking error: the type of error is shown and
described in the bottom left corner of the screen
"Low suction pressure" error signal