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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

Important: You should change the factory settings only, if the water hardness of
the water used for the machine has a really low or medium water hardness. The-
re is no liability claim of the purchaser for any damage caused by excessive lime
deposits within the machine.
Important: After activating the water hardness setting mode, you need to press the
button assigned to the water hardness in your local area within 5 seconds. After 5
seconds with no button pressed, the appliance will shut-off automatically with the
previously set water hardness in memory.
1. Check the actual water hardness of the water you are going to use for the machine.
Information can be provided by your local water works or the responsible bott-
ling plant.
2. Ensure that the appliance is live but switched off (all buttons are dark).
3. Hold the power button, 1 cup button, and 2 cups button pressed simultaneously
for at least 5 seconds. Then release the buttons. The button assigned to the cur-
rently selected water hardness will be flashing (see table above).
After delivery or reset (see: 'Resetting the Appliance to Factory Settings'), D will
flash for 5 seconds (as the high water hardness is the factory setting). If another
water hardness has been set previously, C or B will flash.
4. Press the button, assigned to the water hardness in your residential area (see the
table above). With no further action within 5 seconds, the selected button will
flash for 5 seconds. Thereafter, the appliance will switch off automatically. You
may use the appliance now as usual.
The selection will be kept in memory, even after disconnecting the appliance from
the power supply.


Important: For operation, only fill clear tap water or low-mineral table water into
the water tank. Do NOT use high-mineral water or distilled or highly filtered water,
as this will affect the taste of your coffee and the functioning of your machine
For removing or installing the water tank, do not tilt the water tank.
Only move the water tank up or down vertically. When filling the water tank with
the water tank still installed, ensure not to spill any water on the housing of the
appliance. Always wipe off spilled liquids immediately. Do not use a glass vessel
for purging the system! Due to the local heating up during the purging process,
even heat-resistant glass could crack.
Important: The water hardness is crucial for the frequency of descaling. You deter-
mine the water hardness correctly and descale the appliance in time to avoid
damage and high energy loss due to excessive deposits of lime (see: 'Adjusting
the Water Hardness').
1. Ensure that the water tank is filled with clear, cold water up to the MAX filling
level. You may leave the water tank within the appliance for filling. Remove the
water tank lid, and pour in the water via a jug, ensuring not to spill any water
on the housing of the appliance.
Alternatively, you can fill the water tank by removing the complete water tank
from the rear of the machine. Grasp the water tank at both sides and pull it out
upwards. Ensure that the exterior of the water tank is completely dry, before sli-
ding the water tank vertically down at the back of the machine.
2. Connect the machine to a suitable mains power supply (see: 'Important Safe-
guards for Electrical Appliances'). Press the power button to turn the espresso
machine on. The power button flashes, while the machine is pre-heating the
water system. Wait, until the power button is illuminated continuously.For the
first use or after an elongated period of storage, purge the water system: Place
a heat-resistant bowl made of china or metal (minimum capacity: 1/2 litres) on
the drip tray. Point the steam wand into the bowl.
3. Turn the hot water/steam switch at the right side of the machine clockwise to
start the hot water function. Wait until the water flow stops automatically. The-
reafter turn the hot water/steam switch back to the vertical position. Press the 2
cups button to purge the group head. The appliance will complete this function
4. Repeat step 3 until the filling level in the water tank drops to approx. 5 cm. During
this procedure, do not forget to empty the bowl in time.
5. If required, fill the water tank again up to the MAX filling level (see step 1). The
appliance is now ready for extracting espresso.


