Discotom-50 successfully com-
bines the newest cutting tech nol o-
gies with un prec e dent ed fl ex i bil i ty
and user-friend li ness. It dras ti cal ly
wid ens the range of your cut ting
applications to very large and hard
materials with out additional time or
cost. Ad di tion al ly Struers has done
extensive re search to unveil the
op ti mum com bi na tion of spindle
speed and feed speed for a range
of popular ma te ri als thereby bring-
ing you to a much high er level of
control and fl exibility.
Deal with a wide range of mater-
ials using only one cut-off wheel
The Discotom-50 spindle speed
rang es from 1000 - 3000 rpm and
makes it pos si ble for customers
deal ing with many different ma te -
ri als to use one single wheel. By ad-
just ing spindle speed, Discotom-50
is able to cut through a wide range
of ma te ri als as diverse as alu min i um
and hard ened steel to give you full
fl exibility in cutting. No time is wast-
ed chang ing wheels and no mon ey
is wast ed by stor ing many different
wheel types.
Using Struers' three-jaw chuck, Dis-
cotom-50 is ca pa ble of dealing with
even the most diffi cult ma te ri als
(>800 HV). The sample is con stant ly
rotated during cut ting in or der to
reduce the contact area be tween
the cut-off wheel and the sample,
ensuring op ti mum cool ing at the
same time.
Optimise cutting quality with
material-specifi c cut-off wheels
For the highest quality de mands
and cut ting of dif fi cult or very hard
ma te ri als, it is rec om mend ed to use
ma te ri al spe cifi c cut-off wheel and
optimise feed speed ac cord ing ly.
High qual i ty cutting allows short er
grinding and pol ish ing steps reduce
your total prep a ra tion times.
Optimise cutting with CBN and
diamond cut-off wheels
Use of CBN and/or dia mond cut-off
wheels re quires fi xed spindle speed.
Com pared to SiC and Al
CBN and dia mond wheels deliver
their best at a low er speed, which
is made pos si ble on Discotom-50.
The spin dle speed may be ad just ed
with in a range of 1000 – 3000 rpm.
Highly fl exible and
reproducible operations
If the feed speed is set too high and
the ma chine cannot cut through
the workpiece, Discotom-50's Elec-
tron ic Feed Speed Re duc tion au-
to mat i cal ly reduces the feed speed
and con tin ues cut ting at a low er
speed. By au to mat i cal ly re duc ing
feed speed, Discotom-50 pre vents
sam ples from burn ing and cut-off
wheels from be ing dam aged. This
may be re peat ed up to 5 times.
Using the set-and-store func tion,
the op ti mum feed speed is stored
and can be used for suc ces sive
cut ting on sim i lar workpieces mak-
ing your cut ting jobs easy and time
sav ing.
Ad just ing the speed of the mov e-
a ble cut ting table can be done pri or
to and dur ing au to mat ic cut ting.
Metalog Guide Description
Non ferrous soft metals
Very ductile metals
Medium soft ferrous metals
Medium hard ferrous metals
Hard ferrous metals
Non ferrous soft metals
Hard ferrous metals
Rotational Speed Settings using 53UNI Cut-off wheel
Tested Material
Stainless steel
Cold work tool steel
Cold work tool steel
Cold work tool steel
Feed Speed Settings using 53UNI Cut-off wheel
Sample Diameter (mm)
Medium soft ferrous metals
Very ductile metals
Three-jaw chuck for cutting of very
hard materials (Option)
Pro grammable stop
Discotom-50's pro gram ma ble stop
ends cut ting at a spe cifi c, pre-
pro grammed po si tion and re turns
to the start po si tion after hav ing
com plet ed the cut. This fea ture
be comes par tic u lar ly time-sav ing
when cut ting many sim i lar, small er
sam ples. No time is wast ed by
Hardness HV
Medium hard ferrous metals
Speed RPM