Standby values
Standby time 1
Standby value 1
Standby time 2
Standby value 2
Standby light
If the light channel is set to preset dimming, a new menu will appear to enable the standby functionality.
There are 2 parameters for both the duration time and the light intensity (%) of the standby operation.
After the regular duration time has elapsed the standby light will turn on. With object 24
yet, value pair 1 is enabled. A 1 command value will trigger pair 2.
After standby has elapsed, an OFF command will be sent on the light channel.
The motion detector will return to regular mode and standby mode will be reset.
Lock commands and forced control commands will always reset standby mode immediately.
3.3. HVAC
Number of monitoring time windows
Duration of monitoring time window
Presence function
with HVAC channel
3.4. Brightness / threshold switch / Value calibration
Toggles the orientation light function between active and inactive
Set orientation light 1 duration time (seconds, minutes, hours).
Set light intensity in % (0...100%)
Set orientation light 2 duration time (seconds, minutes, hours).
Set light intensity in % (0...100%)
the user will then be able to select one of two presetable parameter pairs. If the object value is 0 or there was no command received
All parameters are identical to those of the light channel with the exception of:
The number of monitoring time intervals can be set from 1 to 32.
Adjustable from 1 s to 30,000 s (8.33h)
The correct setting for fastest response of the HVAC channel is:
Number of monitoring time windows: 1
Duration of monitoring time window: 1 second
The above parameters should be used for the presence function (the presence signal is independent from the ambient lighting brightness!)