5.3.3. Delay-time, mode semi- automatic
If the brightness is increasing during the delay-time and passes over the threshold "Brightness switch off level", the light-channel (obj0/obj22) is switching off but the delay-time is continuing either.
If the brightness reduces below the value "Brightness below sensor is active", the light channel is switching "ON" again, till the delay-time is expired.
5.3.4. Standby-functionality
When the light-channel is used as "dim completely", a standby-light can be activated optionally.
Two pairs of values are available and can select with obj24.
The delay-time for the Standby-functionality can also parameterized as "Unlimited " too.
with permanent minimum brightness.
If the brightness during standby increase over "Brightness switch off level", the light-channel (obj0) is switching off .
If the brightness reduces below the value "Brightness below sensor is active", the light channel is switching "ON" with the standby-settings again till the delay-time (standby) is expired.
5.3.5. Adjustment brightness sensor
Brightness value calibration
Factory calibration
Custom calibration
AD calibration value
Lux value
Keep internal value
This setting is possible at any time with reprogramming of the precence-detector.
This option open two additional windows.
AD calibration value and Lux value
Read out the AD calibration value (communication object 10) in the ETS and submit it in the window AD calibration value.
Note: In the menu Read/send value, use type 7.001 unsigned 2 byte counter!
The AD value read then appears in the Value received menu as 739 pulses, for example.
Measure with Luxmeter the reference brightness and submit it in the Lux window.
This setting is selected after a recalibration was made.