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TR-Electronic LE-25 Benutzerhandbuch

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Verfügbare Sprachen

Verfügbare Sprachen

_Zusätzliche Sicherheitshinweise
_Fehlerursachen und Abhilfen
Seite 2 - 76
Page 77 - 152
Abbildung ähnlich




Inhaltszusammenfassung für TR-Electronic LE-25

  • Seite 1 Seite 2 - 76 Page 77 - 152 (optional) Laser-Entfernungs-Messgerät LE-25 Abbildung ähnlich _Zusätzliche Sicherheitshinweise _Installation _Inbetriebnahme _Parametrierung _Fehlerursachen und Abhilfen Benutzerhandbuch Schnittstelle...
  • Seite 2 Marken EtherNet/IP™, DeviceNet™, ControlNet™, CIP™ und ODVA™ sind eingetragene Warenzeichen der ODVA, Inc.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 2 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 3: Inhaltsverzeichnis Attribute 0x05, Status ................27 7.3 Object 0x04, Assembly ......................28 7.3.1 Gemeinsame Services .................... 28  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 4 Attribute 0xCA, SSI Code ............... 52 Attribute 0xCB, SSI Len ................52 Attribute 0xCC, SSI Mono ............... 52  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 4 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 5 10.3 Sonstige Störungen ......................75 11 Anhang ............................76 11.1 Elementare Datentypen ......................76  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 6 - Geräte-Statusanzeige ergänzt 15.06.2020 - Verweis auf SSI-Schnittstellenhandbuch bei optionaler SSI-Schnittstelle  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 6 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 7: Allgemeines

    Es gelten somit zusammen folgende Dokumentationen: ● siehe Kapitel „Mitgeltende Dokumente“ in der Montageanleitung www.tr-electronic.de/f/TR-ELE-BA-DGB-0018  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 8: Referenzen

    Definiert das Internet Group Management Protocol (ICMP), Version 2 12. ODVA™ EtherNet/IP™-Spezifikation  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 8 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 9: Verwendete Abkürzungen / Begriffe

    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol User Datagram Protocol Vollduplex Beidseitige Datenübermittlung  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 9 of 152...
  • Seite 10: Zusätzliche Sicherheitshinweise

    ODVA™ EtherNet/IP™-Spezifikation. Die technischen Richtlinien zum Aufbau des Fast Ethernet Netzwerks sind für einen sicheren Betrieb zwingend einzuhalten.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 10 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 11: Ethernet/Ip™ Informationen

    (ControlNet™) und Feldebene (DeviceNet™) zur Verfügung. EtherNet/IP™ ist ein objektorientiertes Bussystem und arbeitet nach dem Producer/Consumer Verfahren. Abbildung 1: Beziehungen zwischen CIP™, DeviceNet™, ControlNet™ und EtherNet/IP™  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 12: Ethernet/Ip™ Übertragungsarten

    Datendurchsatz. Diese Art des Datenaustausches wird verwendet für die Kommunikation mit I/O-Geräten, aber auch für die Echtzeit-Verriegelung zwischen Steuerungen.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 12 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 13: Ethernet/Ip™ Geräteprofile

    3.4 Vendor ID Die Vendor IDs (Herstellerkennungen) werden von der ODVA™ vergeben und verwaltet. Die Vendor ID von TR-Electronic für EtherNet/IP™ ist „1137“ (dez). 3.5 Weitere Informationen Weitere Informationen zum EtherNet/IP™ erhalten Sie auf Anfrage von der Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA™) unter nachstehender Internet-Adresse: ODVA, Inc.
  • Seite 14: Installation / Inbetriebnahmevorbereitung

    Normen und Richtlinien zu beachten! Insbesondere sind die EMV-Richtlinie sowie die Schirmungs- und Erdungsrichtlinien in den jeweils gültigen Fassungen zu beachten!  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 14 of 152...
  • Seite 15: Anschluss - Hinweise

    Hierbei kann es zu abweichenden Werten der über TRWinProg- und EtherNet/IP™ eingestellten Parameter kommen. Das Verhalten des Mess-Systems kann also von den in TRWinProg angezeigten Einstellungen abweichen.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 16: Node-Adresse (Host-Id)

    Default Gateway = Konfiguration aus dem FLASH bzw. über einen DHCP-Server beziehen, siehe „Attribute 0x05, Interface Configuration“ ab Seite 61.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 16 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 17: Inbetriebnahme

    (rot) Mess-System-Fehler aufgetreten blinkend (rot) Ein Kommando konnte nicht ausgeführt werden.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 17 of 152...
  • Seite 18: Mac-Adresse

    Entsprechende Maßnahmen im Fehlerfall siehe Kapitel „Fehlerursachen und Abhilfen“, auf Seite 71. 5.3 MAC-Adresse Jedem EtherNet/IP™-Gerät wird bereits bei TR-Electronic eine weltweit eindeutige Geräte-Identifikation zugewiesen und dient zur Identifizierung des Ethernet-Knotens. Diese 6 Byte lange Geräte-Identifikation ist die MAC-Adresse und ist nicht veränderbar.
  • Seite 19: Objekt-Modell, Encoder Device

    0xF4: Port Object 0xF5: TCP/IP Interface Object 0xF6: Ethernet Link Object Tabelle 3: Unterstützte Klassen  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 20: Assembly

    Output Tabelle 4: Übersicht I/O Assembly Instanzen Siehe auch Kap. 7.3.3 Instance, Attributes auf Seite 29.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 20 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 21: Input Assembly Data Attribute Format

    0…3 Justage Position Justage Control Diode-OnOff Tabelle 6: Output Prozessdatenformat  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 21 of 152...
  • Seite 22: Configuration Assembly

    Accept Parameter Tabelle 7: Konfigurations-Format Siehe auch Kap. „Instance 150, Configuration Assembly“ auf Seite 31.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 22 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 23: Parametrierung

    Datentyp des Attributes Beschreibung Attribut-Beschreibung Default Attribut-Standardwert Tabelle 8: Begriffsdefinition  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 23 of 152...
  • Seite 24: Klassen-Übersicht

    Übertragungsgeschwindigkeit, Schnittstellenstatus und die MAC-Adresse. Tabelle 9: Klassenübersicht * gemäß Ethernet/IP™-Spezifikation  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 24 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 25: Object 0X01, Identity

    Instance Instanz Attribut-ID Attributes Tabelle 10: Identity, Übersicht der Klassen Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 25 of 152...
  • Seite 26: Instance 1, Attributes

    Product Name Produktname STRING Tabelle 11: Identity, Übersicht der Instanz Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 26 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 27: Attribute 0X05, Status

    1000 0, Reserviert 1001 0, Reserviert 1010-1111 0, nicht unterstützt  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 27 of 152...
  • Seite 28: Object 0X04, Assembly

    Instance Instanz Attribut-ID Attributes Tabelle 12: Assembly, Übersicht der Klassen Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 28 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 29: Instance, Attributes

    Instance #1 Attr.-ID #3 = Class = Instance = Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 29 of 152...
  • Seite 30: Instance 101, Position + Status + Speed (8Bit) + Intensity

    Class #4 Attr.-ID #3 = Class = Instance #110 = Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 30 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 31: Instance 120, Output Assembly - Justagevalue + Justagecontrol + Diodeonoff

    Function ext.Input bis 2 Function ext.Output bis 2 Level ext.Output …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 31 of 152...
  • Seite 32: Connection Points

    Instanzen. Zum Beispiel, Connection Point 4 des Assembly Objekts ist der gleiche wie Instanz 4. Siehe auch Kap. 8 „Verbindungstypen“ auf Seite 67.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 32 of 152...
  • Seite 33: Object 0X23, Position Sensor

    0x00 01 Instances erzeugt wurden. Tabelle 19: Position Sensor, Übersicht der Klassen Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 33 of 152...
  • Seite 34: Instance 1, Attributes

    „0x16“ oder das „Attribute 0x80, Accept Parameter“ übernommen oder dauerhaft gespeichert wurde. Attribut ist nach dem beschreiben sofort wirksam, kann aber nicht dauerhaft gespeichert werden.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 34 of 152...
  • Seite 35: Attribute 0X01, Number Of Attributes

    Encoder Firmware Number 0xD6 Encoder Firmware Version Tabelle 21: Attribute List  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 35 of 152...
  • Seite 36: Attribute 0X03, Position Value Unsigned

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #12 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 36 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 37: Attribute 0X64, Intensity

    Intensität, Temperatur und Hardware, sowie das Warnbit Geschwindigkeit über die optionale „Reset Failure Value“-Funktion des externen Schalteingangs quittiert werden, siehe „Attribute 0x6D, Function ext. Input“ auf Seite 42.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 38 =Attr.-ID Die Fehlerursachen und Abhilfen sind im Kapitel „Sonstige Störungen“ beschrieben, siehe Seite 75.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 38 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 39: Attribute 0X67, Speed Format

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #104 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 39 of 152...
  • Seite 40: Attribute 0X69, Failure Autoquit

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #106 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 40 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 41: Attribute 0X6B, Free Resolution

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #108 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 41 of 152...
  • Seite 42: Attribute 0X6D, Function Ext. Input

    Every Failure Sammelfehler-Meldung 0x05 Speed-Check Geschwindigkeit überschritten 0x06 Measurement Plausibility Positionsfehler  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 42 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 43: Attribute 0X6F, Fail-Output-Value

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #112 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 43 of 152...
  • Seite 44: Attribute 0X71, Input-Slope Ext. Input

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #114 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 44 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 45: Attribute 0X73, Diode-Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #117 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 45 of 152...
  • Seite 46: Attribute 0X76, Temperature Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #119 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 46 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 47: Preset Über Prozessdaten

    Um die Preset-Ausführung abzuschließen, muss das Bit 0 in „Attribute 0x79, Justage Control“ wieder zurückgesetzt werden. Daraufhin wird auch in „Attribute 0x7A, Justage Status“ Bit 0 automatisch zurückgesetzt.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 48: Attribute 0X78, Justage Position

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #121 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 48 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 49: Attribute 0X7A, Justage Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #123 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 49 of 152...
  • Seite 50: Attribute 0X7C, Speed Sign

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #128 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 50 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 51: Ssi-Schnittstellenparameter

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #201 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 51 of 152...
  • Seite 52: Attribute 0Xca, Ssi Code

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #204 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 52 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 53: Attribute 0Xd5, Encoder Firmware Number

    LOW-Anteil zuerst geschrieben. Liefert den Inhalt des entsprechenden 0x0E Get_Attribute_Single Attributes zurück  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 53 of 152...
  • Seite 54: Class Attributes

    USINT, Get Wert Beschreibung Linien – Struktur Ring – Struktur  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 54 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 55: Attribute 0X02, Network Status

    1 = Supervisor Funktion Capable 0 = keine Supervisor Funktion 6…31 reserviert  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 55 of 152...
  • Seite 56: Object 0X48, Quality Of Service (Qos)

    Tabelle 25: Quality of Service, Übersicht der Instanz Attribute Änderungen der Attributwerte werden erst nach einem POWER OFF/ON – Zyklus aktiv.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 56 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 57: Object 0Xf5, Tcp/Ip Interface

    Instance Instanz Attribut-ID Attributes Tabelle 26: TCP/IP Interface, Übersicht der Klassen Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 57 of 152...
  • Seite 58: Instance 1, Attributes

    Host Name STRING Hostnamen Tabelle 27: TCP/IP Interface, Übersicht der Instanz Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 58 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 59: Attribute 0X01, Status

    AcdCapable 0 (FALSE): wird nicht unterstützt 8-31 Reserviert  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 59 of 152...
  • Seite 60: Attribute 0X03, Configuration Control

    [20] [F6] [24] [01] [24]: 8 Bit Instanz-Segment-Typ [01]: Instanz 1  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 60 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 61: Attribute 0X05, Interface Configuration

    Antwort erhalten wird. Unzulässig! andere keine Anfrage wird mit Fehlercode 0x20 beantwortet.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 61 of 152...
  • Seite 62: Ip-Parameter Setzen Und Speichern

    Configuration Control anschließend auf 0x00 gesetzt wird, wird die aktuelle Konfiguration dauerhaft im FLASH gespeichert. Ablaufdiagramme  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 62 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 63: Object 0Xf6, Ethernet Link

    0x00 02 Instances erzeugt wurden. Tabelle 28: Ethernet Link, Übersicht der Klassen Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 63 of 152...
  • Seite 64: Instance 1 Und 2, Attributes

    Multiple UDINT Frames mit mehr als einer Collisions Daten-Kollision …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 64 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 65 Interface Label „Klartext“ STRING Tabelle 29: Ethernet Link, Übersicht der Instanz Attribute  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 65 of 152...
  • Seite 66: Attribute 0X02, Interface Flags

    Das Attribut ist erst nach einem Neustart des Mess-Systems aktiv. „ Attribute 0x02, Interface Flags“ zeigt in Bit 5 an, dass ein Neustart notwendig ist.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 66 of 152...
  • Seite 67: Verbindungstypen

    + Intensity Position + Speed (16Bit) + Intensity + JustageStatus + DeviceStatus  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 67 of 152...
  • Seite 68: Inbetriebnahme-Hilfen

     Subnet Mask: gewünschte Subnetzmaske  Gateway: gewünschte IP-Adresse des Default Gateways  Primary DNS, Secondary DNS, Domain Name: werden nicht unterstützt  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 68 of 152...
  • Seite 69  IP Address: gewünschte IP-Adresse  Hostname: wird nicht unterstützt  Description: optionale Beschreibungsmöglichkeit  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 70 Disable BOOTP/DHCP setzt Instance Attribute 0x03 Configuration Control auf 0x00 00 00 00 --> nach POWER ON führt das Mess-System keine DHCP-Anfragen mehr aus.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 70 of 152...
  • Seite 71: Fehlerursachen Und Abhilfen

    Port festgestellt. „Media Counters“ (Attribut 5 von Object 0xF6, Ethernet Link) zeigt einen Fehler, siehe Seite 64.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 72 (rot) Gerät sind im Timeout Zustand. oder ein Geräte-RESET vorgenommen wurde.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 72 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 73: Allgemeine Status Codes

    Das spezifizierte Objekt ist nicht im Gerät 0x16 Object does not exist implementiert. …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 73 of 152...
  • Seite 74 Es wurde versucht schreibend auf ein Member 0x29 Member not settable zuzugreifen, welcher nur gelesen werden kann.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 74 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 75: Sonstige Störungen

    Anlagenteile beschädigt werden. bzw. unterschritten. * Grenzwert ist über TRWinProg änderbar, siehe Kap. 4.3 auf Seite 15.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 76: Anhang

    EPATH 0xDC CIP Pfad Segment STRINGI 0xDE International Character String  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 76 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 77 User Manual _Commissioning _Parameterization Interface _Cause of faults and remedies  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 77 of 152...
  • Seite 78 Brand names EtherNet/IP™, DeviceNet™, ControlNet™, CIP™ and ODVA™ are trademarks of ODVA, Inc.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 78 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 79 Attribute 0x05, Status ................103 7.3 Object 0x04, Assembly ......................104 7.3.1 Common Services ....................104  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 80 Attribute 0xCA, SSI Code ............... 128 Attribute 0xCB, SSI Len ................128 Attribute 0xCC, SSI Mono ............... 128  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 80 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 81 10.3 Other faults ........................... 151 11 Appendix ............................152 11.1 Elementary Data types ......................152  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 82: Revision Index

    - Device status display added 06/15/2020 - Reference to SSI interface manual at optional SSI interface  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 82 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 83: General Information

    The following documentation therefore also applies: ● see chapter “Other applicable documents” in the Assembly Instructions www.tr-electronic.de/f/TR-ELE-BA-DGB-0018  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 84: References

    Defines the Internet Group Management Protocol (ICMP), Version 2 12. ODVA™ EtherNet/IP™ specification  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 84 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 85: Abbreviations Used / Terminology

    Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol User Datagram Protocol Full-Duplex Bidirectional data transmission  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 85 of 152...
  • Seite 86: Additional Safety Instructions

    0x22" of the ODVA™ EtherNet/IP™ specification. The technical guidelines for configuration of the Fast Ethernet network must be adhered to in order to ensure safe operation.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 86 of 152...
  • Seite 87: Ethernet/Ip™ Information

    (ControlNet™) and field layer (DeviceNet™). EtherNet/IP™ is an object-oriented bus system and works according to the producer/consumer model. Figure 1: Relations between CIP™, DeviceNet™, ControlNet™ and EtherNet/IP™  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 88: Ethernet/Ip™ Transmission Types

    UDP. This type of data exchange is used for the communication with I/O devices, but also for the real time locking between controls.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany...
  • Seite 89: Ethernet/Ip™ Device Profiles

    3.4 Vendor ID The vendor IDs (manufacturer’s identifiers) are assigned and administrated by the ODVA™. The TR-Electronic Vendor ID for EtherNet/IP™ is "1137" (dec). 3.5 Further information’s You can obtain further information on EtherNet/IP™ from the Open DeviceNet Vendor Association (ODVA™) or the following Internet addresses: ODVA, Inc.
  • Seite 90: Installation / Preparation For Start-Up

    In particular, the applicable EMC directive and the shielding and grounding directives must be observed!  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 90 of 152...
  • Seite 91: Connection - Notes

    This can lead to deviating values for the parameters set via TRWinProg and EtherNet/IP™. The behavior of the measuring system can therefore deviate from the settings displayed in TRWinProg.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 92: Node Address (Host-Id)

    Default Gateway = Configuration via FLASH or DHCP server, see “Attribute 0x05, Interface Configuration” from page 137.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 92 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 93: Commissioning

    (red) Measuring system error occurred flashing (red) A command could not be executed  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 93 of 152...
  • Seite 94: Mac-Address

    147. 5.3 MAC-Address Already by TR-Electronic each EtherNet/IP™ device a worldwide explicit device identification is assigned und serves for the identification of the Ethernet node. This 6 byte long device identification is the MAC-Address and is not changeable.
  • Seite 95: Object Model, Encoder Device

    0xF4: Port Object 0xF5: TCP/IP Interface Object 0xF6: Ethernet Link Object Table 3: Supported Classes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 96: Assembly

    JustageValue + JustageControl + DiodeOnOff Table 4: Overview I/O Assembly Instances See also chapter 7.3.3 “Instance, Attributes” on page 105.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 96 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 97: Input Assembly Data Attribute Format

    Justage Position Justage Control Diode-OnOff Table 6: Output process data output format  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 97 of 152...
  • Seite 98: Configuration Assembly

    Accept Parameter Table 7: Configuration format See also chapter “Instance 150, Configuration Assembly” on page 107.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 98 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 99: Parameterization

    Description Attribute description Default Attribute standard value Table 8: Terminology  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 99 of 152...
  • Seite 100: Overview Of Available Classes

    MAC-Address. Table 9: Overview of available classes * corresponds to EtherNet/IP™ specification  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 100 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 101: Object 0X01, Identity

    Instance implemented in the device. Attributes Table 10: Identity, Overview of the class attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 102: Instance 1, Attributes

    Product Name STRING identification Table 11: Identity, Overview of the instance attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 102 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 103: Attribute 0X05, Status

    1000 0, reserved 1001 0, reserved 1010-1111 0, not supported  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 103 of 152...
  • Seite 104: Object 0X04, Assembly

    Attributes Table 12: Assembly, Overview of the class attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 104 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 105: Instance, Attributes

    Class #4 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #3 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 105 of 152...
  • Seite 106: Instance 101, Position + Status + Speed (8Bit) + Intensity

    Class #4 Attr.-ID #3 = Class = Instance #110 = Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 106 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 107: Instance 120, Output Assembly - Justagevalue + Justagecontrol + Diodeonoff

    Function ext.Input to 2 Function ext.Output to 2 Level ext.Output …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 107 of 152...
  • Seite 108: Connection Points

    Connection Point 4 of the Assembly Object is the same as Instance 4. See also chapter 8 “Connection type” on page 143.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 108 of 152...
  • Seite 109: Object 0X23, Position Sensor

    0x0001 Instances device. Table 19: Position Sensor, Overview of the class attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 109 of 152...
  • Seite 110: Instance 1, Attributes

    Attribute is only effective after writing if it is taken over or saved permanently via the service codes “0x0D” respectively “0x16” or the “Attribute 0x80, Accept Parameter”. Attribute is effective immediately after writing, but cannot be saved permanently.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 110 of 152...
  • Seite 111: Attribute 0X01, Number Of Attributes

    Encoder Firmware Number 0xD6 Encoder Firmware Version Table 21: Attribute List  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 111 of 152...
  • Seite 112: Attribute 0X03, Position Value Unsigned

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #12 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 112 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 113: Attribute 0X64, Intensity

    Intensity, Temperature, Hardware as well as the warning bit Speed Check can be acknowledged by the optional "Reset Failure Value" function of the external switching input, see "Attribute 0x6D, Function ext. Input”on page 118.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 114 = Instance =Attr.-ID Error causes and remedies are determined in chapter “Other faults”, see page 151.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 114 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 115: Attribute 0X67, Speed Format

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #104 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 115 of 152...
  • Seite 116: Attribute 0X69, Failure Autoquit

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #106 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 116 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 117: Attribute 0X6B, Free Resolution

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #108 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 117 of 152...
  • Seite 118: Attribute 0X6D, Function Ext. Input

    0x05 Speed-Check Position error 0x06 Measurement Plausibility Function switched off  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 118 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 119: Attribute 0X6F, Fail-Output-Value

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #112 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 119 of 152...
  • Seite 120: Attribute 0X71, Input-Slope Ext. Input

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #114 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 120 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 121: Attribute 0X73, Diode-Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #117 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 121 of 152...
  • Seite 122: Attribute 0X76, Temperature Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #119 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 122 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 123: Preset Via Process Data

    To complete the preset execution, the bit 0 in the "Attribute 0x79, Justage Control" must be reset again. Bit 0 in "Attribute 0x7A, Justage Status" is then automatically reset.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 124: Attribute 0X78, Justage Position

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #121 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 124 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 125: Attribute 0X7A, Justage Status

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #123 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 125 of 152...
  • Seite 126: Attribute 0X7C, Speed Sign

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #128 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 126 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 127: Ssi Interface

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #201 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 127 of 152...
  • Seite 128: Attribute 0Xca, Ssi Code

    Class #23 Instance #1 Attr.-ID #204 = Class = Instance =Attr.-ID  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 128 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 129: Attribute 0Xd5, Encoder Firmware Number

    Returns the contents of the specified 0x0E Get_Attribute_Single attribute.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 129 of 152...
  • Seite 130: Class Attributes

    Normal operation Ring bus error (only if ring structure is active) Unexpected bus cycle occurred (only if line structure is active)  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 130 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 131: Attribute 0X0A, Active Supervisor Address

    1 = supervisor function Capable 0 = no supervisor function 6…31 reserved  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 131 of 152...
  • Seite 132: Object 0X48, Quality Of Service (Qos)

    (transport class 2/3 and UCMM) Table 25: Quality of Service, Overview of the instance attributes Changed attributes only takes effect after a POWER OFF/ON cycle.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 132 of 152...
  • Seite 133: Object 0Xf5, Tcp/Ip Interface

    Attributes device. Table 26: TCP/IP Interface, Overview of the class attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 134: Instance 1, Attributes

    STRING name. Table 27: TCP/IP Interface, Overview of the instance attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 134 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 135: Attribute 0X01, Status

    Change Requires Reset immediate active AcdCapable 0 (FALSE): not supported 8-31 Reserved  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 135 of 152...
  • Seite 136: Attribute 0X03, Configuration Control

    [20] [F6] [24] [01] [24]: 8 Bit Instance Segment Type [01]: Instance 1  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 136 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 137: Attribute 0X05, Interface Configuration

    Prohibited! other none Request is answered with error code 0x20.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 137 of 152...
  • Seite 138: Set And Store The Ip Parameter

    Configuration Control, the current configuration is stored in the FLASH memory permanently. Flowcharts  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 138 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 139: Object 0Xf6, Ethernet Link

    0x00 02 Instances of the device. Table 28: Ethernet Link, Overview of the class attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 140: Instance 1 And 2, Attributes

    UDINT frames which experienced Collisions more than one collision …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 140 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
  • Seite 141 Interface Label Human readable identification STRING Table 29: Ethernet Link, Overview of the instance attributes  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 142: Attribute 0X02, Interface Flags

    The attribute is only active after a restart of the measuring system. The bit 5 of “Attribute 0x02, Interface Flags” indicates that a restart is necessary.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany...
  • Seite 143: Connection Type

    + Intensity Position + Speed (16Bit) + Intensity + JustageStatus + DeviceStatus  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 Page 143 of 152...
  • Seite 144: Commissioning - Support

     Subnet Mask: Enter desired subnet mask  Gateway: Enter desired IP address of the Default Gateway  Primary DNS, Secondary DNS, Domain Name: not supported  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 144 of 152...
  • Seite 145  IP Address: Enter desired IP address  Hostname: not supported  Description: optional  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 146 With Disable BOOTP/DHCP the Instance Attribute 0x03 Configuration Control is set to 0x00 00 00 00 --> after POWER ON the measuring system executes no DHCP requests.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 146 of 152...
  • Seite 147: Causes Of Faults And Remedies

    (attribute 5 of object 0xF6, Ethernet Link) displays an error, see on page 140.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 148 RESET. timed out.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 148 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 149: General Status Codes

    0x16 Object does not exist The object specified does not exist in the device. …  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 150 A request to modify a non-modifiable member was 0x29 Member not settable received.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 150 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 151: Other Faults

    * Limit value can be changed via TRWinProg, see chapter 4.3 on page 91.  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany 06/15/2020 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01...
  • Seite 152: Appendix

    EPATH 0xDC CIP Path Segment STRINGI 0xDE International Character String  TR-Electronic GmbH 2020, All Rights Reserved Printed in the Federal Republic of Germany Page 152 of 152 TR - ELE - BA - DGB - 0031 - 01 06/15/2020...
