When you install the kiddy guardianfix 3 in universal mode
(without k-fix + ), the connectors (E) must be retracted.
5.3 Seat location for semi-universal installation
Semi-universal installation of the child restraint system (A) is only possible in
vehicle seat positions which are equipped with ISOFIX anchorage points. The
kiddy guardianfix 3 can be connected to these ISOFIX anchorage points with
the k-fix
connectors (E).
The kiddy guardianfix 3 child restraint system (A) can be installed in vehicles and
on seats which are listed in the type list.
The type list is continuously updated. The latest version can be found online at
The manufacturer recommends the semi-universal installation of the child re-
straint system (A) with the k-fix
connections (E) when possible.
6 Semi-universal installation in the vehicle with k-fix +
Actuate the unlocking handle (R)at the front underneath the leg extension (K)
(Fig. 12, No. 1). The k-fix
connectors (E) now automatically extend out of the
back of the seat (I).
Rotate the connectors (E) 180° such that the connection openings point to-
wards the vehicle seat (Fig. 13).
Check whether the connector hooks are open by sliding the two unlocking
mechanisms (S) forward. If the locking indicators (T) do not show 'green' , the
connector hooks are open (Fig. 14).
Place the kiddy guardianfix 3 in a vehicle seat location which
allows for semi-universal installation (point 5.3) and adjust the
vehicle seat as necessary according to point 5.1.
Now slide both k-fix
connectors (E) onto the metal mounts (ISOFIX anchorage
points) and push firmly against them such that the connectors (E) lock in place
(Fig. 15).
The correct engagement is confirmed with the 'green' k-fix
(T) (Fig. 16).
Check whether the k-fix + connectors (E) are closed by shaking
the seat (I) and check whether the lock indicators (T) on the left
and right k-fix + connectors both show 'green'!
Now you have fastened the kiddy guardianfix 3 in the (maxi-
mum) lie-flat position in the vehicle. The lie-flat position may
only be used for Group I (9–18 kg) in combination with the im-
pact shield.
After installing the child restraint system (A) with k-fix
seat is positioned on the vehicle seat and the belt is not covered. For this pur-
pose, you can slide the seat slightly to the left or right as necessary.
If you would like to use the child restraint system for a Group I child in the seated
position or for Group II and III (15-36 kg; without impact shield), you must push
the seat (I) against the vehicle back rest).
for this purpose, actuate the unlocking handle (R) (Fig. 17, No. 1) while simulta-
neously pushing the seat (I) towards the vehicle back rest (Fig. 17, No. 2).
In order to secure you child in the seat fastened with k-fix
scribed under point 7.
7 Securing the child
semi-universal: If you would like to use the child seat with k-fix
tening, ensure that it is fastened to the vehicle as described in point 6!
locking indicator
, ensure that the child
, proceed as de-