Customer service
Our customer service is happy to be at your disposal should there be any recurring
faults and problems with the MultiControl II duo or MultiControl II quadro and their
components, or if you require technical information:
Notes on these assembly instructions
These assembly instructions are applicable only to the controls described and are
intended as documentation for the manufacturer of the end product in which this
control is incorporated.
We wish to explicitly point out that the manufacturer of the end product must
produce operating instructions for the end user containing all the functions and
hazard warnings of the end product.
This also applies to installation in a machine. In this case, the manufacturer of the
machine is responsible for the relevant safety devices, checks, monitoring potential
crushing and shearing points and the documentation.
These assembly instructions will help you:
• To avoid hazards,
• To prevent downtime,
• And to guarantee and increase the lifetime of this product.
MultiControl II duo and MultiControl II quadro assembly instructions
RK Rose+Krieger GmbH
Potsdamer Straße 9
32423 Minden
+49 571 9335-0
+49 571 9335-119
Furthermore, we are always interested in information and
experiences resulting from use and that can be valuable for
improving our products.